So $9K?
For the layman, that’s a lot, but for Trump?
So $9K?
For the layman, that’s a lot, but for Trump?
I dunno… I mean Flat Earthers were a bunch of trolls… now look where we are.
But why not just reverse the polarity of the primary power coupling?
Say you did a study that discovered that folks who actively run are statistically unlikely to have respiratory issues. How much of that is because being physically active acts as a kind of preventative maintenance vs how much of that is a kind of self culling, where folks with respiratory issues are unlikely to seek exercise.
The end result is ultimately the same, but the mechanics behind why are different.
Is the wolves’ natural cancer resistance just kicking into over drive, or is natural selection happening?
The very last thing you need is for Trump to become a martyr.
I mean, it is Larson. Being baffling is kinda his thing, unintentionally anachronistic or not.
That said, so long as Dr. Who is still a thing, folks should maintain a (distorted) understanding. Sort of like those 3D printed save icons.
Custard’s last stand
You’d probably end up with the next generation of conversation therapy involving full blood transfusions.
Huh… devil you know vs the devil you don’t.
Hypothetically—say McCarthy’s butt is saved—What’s preventing the Republicans from immediately voting to dismiss him again?
Well… when Teddy Roosevelt failed to gain the support of the Republican Party, he formed the Progressive party and republican voters were split between him and Taft, leading to Woodrow Wilson gaining the presidency.
I wonder who Amazon managed to tick off.
Amazon’s monopoly has been defended by the government up to recently, particularly in the field of ebooks.
Certainly not defending Amazon, but I’m wondering what the full story is.
Dude, you’re missing out then. I was dubious going in, but Time Lord Wesley was the absolute delight I didn’t know I needed. Wheaton’s performance was probably leagues better than in TNG.