Not a big fan of the name. Even PixelFeed would make more sense.
How else will I know if I’m truly enjoying something? You seem like you know what you’re talking about.
You are right. Even though I’ve had an absolute blast using the PS Portal daily ever since i got it I have made the difficult decision to return it because the internet told me that it’s actually not good.
These are some heavy accusations for Gabe
I commented this elsewhere but please take a look at a few minutes of this video. Just because we do not understand the mechanism does not mean that it doesn't exist.
A renowned biologist Michael Levin took some basic skin cells from a frog embryo and separated them from the rest of the organism. Astonishingly these “skin” cells rebooted themselves and converted into a new type of organism that is able to solve simple mazes, and demonstrate individual and group behaviors.
Thanks so much for sharing your LSD experience! That is wild. One thing that I struggle with internally is whether humanity is good or bad for the greater organism on this planet?
On the one hand, humans have the best chance of expanding all life from our planet to other planets and thus ensuring the survival of this organism should anything catastrophic happen to Earth. On the other hand we also have the best chance of destroying ourselves along with everything else here.
I was watching Oppenheimer recently and I just couldn't believe that the brightest minds of that generation banded together to create... a weapon. Instead of launching rockets to other planets we are launching rockets at ourselves. It's pure idiocy. Then I thought about how things aren't that much different today. The brightest engineering minds are working for large corporations that are also destroying our planet, our attention, our privacy, etc.
I'm really curious to hear where you stand on the matter!
I actually don't believe that consciousness stops at cells or solar systems :). I am a panpsychist which holds the view that everything in our universe is made up of consciousness (just not the super intelligent type that we typically associate with the word).
People usually get hung up on the idea... "how can you consider this rock to be conscious". Well within this rock there are protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules, etc, that all "know" how to do their thing to form a rock. If things weren't conscious then nothing in our universe would have a shape. I believe that higher states of consciousness arise from simpler lower states.
Although I think his heart is in the right place, he is essentially peddling bird NFTs.
I think the world has been trending toward short-form content for a very long time now.
We’ve gone from reading books, to skimming articles, to skimming article comments. We’ve gone from TV, to YouTube videos, to TikTok style shorts. We’ve gone from playing video games to watching other people play them in the background.
I noticed that I personally feel happiest when I invest my attention into longer form content. So I have been trying my best to cut out the digital sugar.
- I read books.
- I set a side large chunks of time to immerse myself into video games.
- I subscribe to RSS feeds and read the full articles minus the comments.
I found that these changes have greatly improved my feelings of wellbeing. I’m sure that my SSRI had nothing to do with it.
I am playing Jedi Survivor. Having had a blast with the original I was excited to hear people say that the second installment is similar but better in many ways. I don’t know what it is about it but I’m just not able to get into it. Maybe it’s the semi-open world feeling of some of the larger areas? I dunno it’s just not working for me, which is disappointing.
For me, it’s the simple memories of playing Quake 3 Arena on Friday nights after school. Crush soda in my cup. A fresh bagel in my hand. Freedom from the responsibilities of homework until Sunday night. I only had the one game so I’d spend the evening exploring different mods, trying to teach myself how to make levels (maps), and of course just frag noobs online until my eyes hurt. I’d stay up super late and when I’d wake up I literally couldn’t be more excited to do it all over again. It was glorious.