[-] aard 48 points 1 week ago

"Seit fast zwei Jahren habe sich keine TV-Redaktion mehr bei ihr gemeldet. "

Na endlich, geht doch. Ausserhalb von geschichtlichen Dokus hat Schwarzer schon seit Jahrzehnten keine Relevanz mehr, und sollte auch so behandelt werden.

[-] aard 46 points 3 weeks ago

100GB is ridiculously low nowadays. I don't think I have a single device in regular use (including my phone) with such small storage.

Just my picture archive (that is, pictures I took since I got mit first digital camera) is about 400GB.

[-] aard 49 points 3 months ago

The main thing rubbing me wrong is forcing to support the parents - parents decide to have a child, so they do owe the child support during its live. The child didn't have a choice in this, and therefore owes the parents nothing. Now if the parents were decent people there's a high chance the kids want to help out because of that - and that's a perfectly good thing to do. But there should not be a forced obligation by society.

[-] aard 43 points 6 months ago

You still had a 4GB memory limit for processes, as well as a total memory limit of 64GB. Especially the first one was a problem for Java apps before AMD introduced 64bit extensions and a reason to use Sun servers for that.

[-] aard 40 points 1 year ago

The bit where you have a small view on a large virtual display exists in xorg (I assume it is still there - when I used that it was XFree86).

You'd configure a virtual screen with whatever resolution you want, and your physical resolution generates a view on that which is moving with the mouse focus. I used to run a 1200x1600 desktop on a 640x480 screen until my girlfriend said she got sick watching me and bought me a large screen.

Might be useful if you quickly want to prototype the general idea.

[-] aard 48 points 1 year ago

Big problem here is that Microsoft seems to have given up on sleep states, and just does S5 and then hibernates (which is horribly slow), so S3 on newer machines is often horribly broken in the firmware and can't really be used. I'm not really interested in my system going to S5 - I want it in S3.

[-] aard 50 points 1 year ago

I guess we can give GIMP a pass to be a bit slower in migrating to new versions of the _G_IMP _T_ool_K_it than others...

[-] aard 41 points 1 year ago

There's the old saying that Debian is available in three flavours: Stale, rusting and broken.

[-] aard 43 points 1 year ago

If you just read the headline - read the article. From the headline you could assume that it might be some grey area thing - but based on the article "could be seen as abduction" is a very friendly phrase to describe what has happened.

[-] aard 48 points 1 year ago

The problem is that they want to route control through their own servers for making sure you can't use some of the extra features without paying.

A few years back they dropped some clients (including the one for my old TV) because they were dropping support for legacy SSL ciphers on their servers - and those devices didn't have support for the new ciphers. This is a pretty stupid dependency due to the way they want to do things - so I moved to jellyfin back then, and have been encouraging people to drop plex ever since.

[-] aard 48 points 1 year ago

A week ago, my mom figured out how to get through my bedroom door lock: using a screwdriver.

That doesn't help you, but: My kids were 4 when they figured that out - by themselves.

Assuming you're old enough that your mom doesn't have to worry about you cutting your hair with the paper scissors or something like that this behaviour doesn't sound normal - and while it might be useful in the short term to be able to properly close your door it'll most likely just shift conflict in the longer term, and you'll have to look into actually resolving that. We have a saying in IT - 'you can't solve social problems with technical solutions'. This might apply here.

[-] aard 41 points 1 year ago

Ich hab da so eine wilde Idee. Der Staat koennte sich um die Wasserversorgung kuemmern, und zur Finanzierung dessen Geld von den Leuten und Firmen die im Land wohnen einsammeln. Wird natuerlich einige Zeit dauern um die Infrastruktur aufzubauen um von so vielen Leuten Geld einzusammeln, aber ich glaube langfristig koennte das echt nuetzlich sein.

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