[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 14 points 2 months ago

Unfortunately some people have no idea women like this actually exist and need to be told that drug use is a part of normal suburban life. Though to be honest I am kind of against the idolisation of suburbs, they are really inefficient, but I digress. Articles like this help break down the stigma around this kind of drug. A stigma that makes little sense as well given their safety profile and effectiveness in treating some illnesses like treatment resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

I don't particularly commend the women, nor the news outlet, for coming out about this though; it is still very much technically illegal by current law. But, I also do agree that the stigma attached to drug use, even when done so responsibly, is in fact ridiculous and stupid in general. However, I don't see a better way of achieving what that does...so I couldn't suggest any better alternatives and I don't support going back to a previous era in Law where drugs that factually are provably dangerous, for some reason, are not regulated. Reasonable and Sensible Regulations on dangerous Drugs are REQUIRED; it's just that some people have a different definition of 'Reasonable and Sensible' which has to be ironed into a proper consensus for society.

We should start with the most dangerous drug in our society: alcohol.

Oh wait the Americans tried that and it actually made things worse. Shocking.

Drug prohibition doesn't and has never worked. We also know neither voters nor politicians understand nor follow scientific consensus on drugs. Not popular consensus. Scientific consensus. Very different things unfortunately.

Look up any ranking of drug harms published by scientists. You might honestly be shocked. Things that people consider safe like alcohol normally end up being ranked much higher than other things commonly thought of as dangerous like nicotine or amphetamines. As much as smoking is bad there is way too much focus on it compared to alcohol and some other stuff. I know there are even some people that think of cocaine as being relatively normal and safe because of its overall popularity, yet if you actually look into it it's not healthy at all.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 12 points 4 months ago

The difference here is that the ISP is up charging for multiple devices, meaning this isn't all being done for benevolent reasons.

The way many apartments work for non-students is each has its own WiFi. Honestly compared to how bad some Hall's WiFi is this is a better option, but it's not without problems. A lot of ISP routers either don't support or don't turn on by default DFS channels, 5.8GHz channels, 6 GHz band, or have WiFi 6 for BSS colouring. This means there will be loads of interference between adjacent WiFi networks.

It's really frustrating especially when you have ISPs like Virgin whose kit has DFS support, but despite touting smart wifi they just never enable it, and most people don't know to enable it either.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 14 points 5 months ago

Who exactly is going to pay for it's development in their stead? Developing firefox is an enormous ongoing technical project akin to building the Linux kernel. Someone has to pay or it won't get done to the standard it needs to be done.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's a combination of different factors. Cold weather makes it harder for your airways to defend themselves. There are I believe some cold viruses that are viable for longer or are stronger in cold weather, but since the cold is many different viruses I am not sure how much difference it makes.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Plenty of other brands which aren't Chinese are both better and cheaper. Samsung, Apple, Google, Asus even.

Do they all use cheap Chinese labour? Sure. Do you actually think Fair phone doesn't? Even if they somehow completely avoid China for the whole supply chain, they will inevitably get cheap labour from somewhere - like Taiwan or Costa Rica. After all they are using standard Qualcomm parts, so that's going to be either TSMC in Taiwan or Samsung in China and Korea.

According to their own website their living wage bonus is only $2.63. It doesn't even say if that's per hour or per day.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 7 months ago

Or the thing has already been done.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 14 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If I ever go as far in the relationship area as to have kids, they are not going to have anything Apple\Android until they can think for themselves.

That's actually not unreasonable. Getting kids using Open Source platforms which aren't trying to manipulate or spy on them is good.

That would be 12 years old or so at least, and before that they'd have to pass an exam (with me evaluating) on how to write simple Unix shell scripts, set up a web server, write simple SQL queries and, well, install and set up the system on which they are going to do this first. Non-computer parts would probably involve some media literacy and symbolic logic. And I think control theory would be required.

What does any of that have to do with media literacy or using those devices? You are just being a curmudgeon, not everyone needs to be a systems administrator. Unix isn't even used anymore. Linux and the BSDs are Unix-like, not actual Unix. What if your kids are physicists, chemists, or mathematicians? Are you going to say they aren't good enough to use a fucking smartphone just because they don't know specific things about a certain specific area of tech? How do you know SQL specifically will even be relevant then? NoSQL is already making headway.

This isn't how you get people into Open Source software or interested in technology. You can't do it by forcing them to do things that are esoteric to the majority of people.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 8 months ago

I rarely have WiFi issues on Linux. At least not with internal WiFi cards. USB ones can sometimes be a problem, but not often.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 11 months ago

Hahahaha, duck you

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 11 months ago

Absolutely not. Memory mapping is a concept created by the OS. The CPU won't operate without RAM of some kind. It's a fundamental hardware issue.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Either way I suspect Linus himself is only a small component of the problem if it exists

It's easy for employees to do stuff you don't know about.

Of course he is still a capitalist and is as guilty as any other "well behaved" capitalist.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 13 points 1 year ago

Rust really isn't all that. Plus C# is used for all kinds of corporate stuff where Rust levels of performance aren't needed. It's also used in several other game engines

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