[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

That's no fucking joke. Please just send me an email about this meeting because it's not really worthwhile and I just want to crank out code.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

They watch TV/movies/news.

I'm also a person with a million hobbies. I've got TV or audiobooks on in the background as I do woodworking, smoke meat, play instruments, record music (ok, there's nothing on in the background while I'm recording), go sing karaoke, rock climb, work on motorcycles, garden, or one of the other million things I might be doing. My family passively sits and watches television.

As far as I'm concerned, that's fine. If it makes them happy then I'm happy for them. I couldn't be content that way but it takes different strokes to move the world.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

God wouldn't let you get malware on his chosen OS.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

Enough money helps you have the time, energy, and nutrition to craft happiness. You can pay someone to do the lawn, clean the house, and handle some day to day tasks. You can sleep without worrying if you'll afford food and a roof tomorrow. You can get healthcare.

After that it's up to you. If you put the money in charge you'll be miserable. If you spend all that extra time going down conspiracy rabbit holes you'll be miserable and try to make everyone else miserable. If you craft some hobbies that you enjoy, get in shape, maybe learn to play an instrument, go rock climbing, travel to see the sights, and generally don't worry about what loud people on the Internet do or think of you then you'll have a pretty good shot at happiness.

Money can't buy happiness, but it can give you the opportunity to find it.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

It's funny, the more likely you are to admit you can be manipulated the more likely you'll notice when it's happening. So I just go around telling everyone how easy it is to manipulate me.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

I make good money and have reasonable health insurance. However, I grew up super poor. So I only use health insurance in life or death circumstances.

I don't want to be poor again.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

Has it gotten worse, or has it stayed the same while real people left?

I don't ask to be a jerk. I'm genuinely curious. I don't roll over that way often anymore and when I do it's always for super specific things so I don't hit the front page.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

I don't know that sending it to a random Latina would work. She'd probably be weirded out by some random person removed about a game.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

An open source reimplementation of XNA.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

I killed an old exchange server with an auto reply to a coworker who had an auto reply to me.

Those were the good old days.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

Do the needful.

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