[-] banner80@fedia.io 32 points 3 weeks ago

This was pretty fun and surprisingly wholesome even for him. He went into a town hall event that was like 70% hard MAGA people wearing red hats and Trump shirts. He talked to them as people and made fun of himself. He even wore the Trump hat and posed for pictures with the MAGA kids https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXOS8rYWgAAXW2s?format=jpg&name=900x900

Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The president did his best to entertain, and show people with a narrow worldview that there's humans on the other side too.

The story of that red Trump hat he is wearing in the pic is that he traded it. He gave a MAGA guy a unique Biden presidential hat signed by him, the fancy WH ones they make specifically for the president to wear. In return, Biden demanded the red hat from that guy's head as a trophy. Then they shook hands.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 63 points 1 month ago


There were 63 US military deaths in Afghanistan during the Trump administration. This piece of shit goes around saying that nobody died in that operation during his watch, and talks about how Biden cost the US THIRTEEN lives during the sundown of the Afghanistan war started by Republicans - a series of wars that go back to the first part of the century and sank the country in unimaginable debt.

Biden will be remembered for putting his foot down on the forever wars. And he will be remembered for eviscerating Russia's military and strengthening our EU alliance, using only a fraction of the US military national budget and without putting a single American solider in harm's way.

This piece of shit thinks that's a bad record for Biden, and he is going to go around lying about it, pretending he is making some powerful points about which parties does most to keep us safe.

Who starts unwinnable wars? Who has a barrage of "unavoidable" incidents on their watch? From terrorist attacks to pandemics to historical financial crashes and absurd deficits, it's always a Republican having to make excuses ... "who could have thought the terrorists were plotting and attack, or that the war on terror would take decades" ... "who could have known the virus wasn't going to disappear by April like a miracle."

Somehow the GOP that keeps us safe and is "best" at the economy are the same asswipes that can't protect us from attacks, start wildly misguided wars, and sink us into unpayable debt planted squarely on the shoulders of our youth.

But it's all somehow Harris' fault now. And this piece of shit is going to tell us why by fabricating some nonsense about the Biden admin, and lying about his party's record and his own.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 32 points 1 month ago

Obama knew from a young age he wanted to be in politics, so he lived his life as neatly as possible towards that objective, including graduating with honors from top American schools and leaving a manicured political track record of his path.

Republicans wanted so hard to hate on him but they couldn't find anything. He ran an excellent presidency, he spoke very carefully with great charisma, and his background was pristine.

That's why any controversies about Obama had to be fabricated. Republicans attacked him for the mustard, the color of one of his suits, how he rode a bike, how he was physically fit and very good at basketball (an urban sport). They fabricated claims on his birth certificate. They blamed him for stuff that happened on someone else's watch (why didn't Obama keep us safe on 9/11? Why didn't he prevent the economic crash of 2008?)

They attacked him with that nonsense because they couldn't find anything else to attack him on.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 49 points 1 month ago

The Mooch was one of the many officials to come and go in the Trump admin. Anthony Scaramucci, affectionately known as "The Mooch," lasted 10 days of chaos before being shown the door.


Since then, the mooch is accepted as a unit of time equal to 10 days in the metric system, or 11 days if measuring in imperial (his actual term was something like 10.6 days). The defacto use of a mooch for measuring time in the US is the metric 10 days per mooch.

The mooch is an appropriate unit of time to measure the duration of failed political positions. Another unit of time that serves this purpose is the lesser-known British Truss, which is 49 days imperial. That one is often reserved for failed heads of state.

JD Vance was nominated on July 15, so by Aug 16 he has latest 32 days so far. That would be 3.2 mooches. I guess this meme was made to stay fresh for a few days, optimistically presuming Vance will make it to at least 4 full mooches.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 30 points 1 month ago

Trump is actually second-gen on his mother's side

Trump's mother was born in Scotland. She was a Scottish immigrant and her son is first-generation Scottish-American on her side.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 36 points 1 month ago

The camo thing is a reference to the real mid west. Mid westerners were known for being polite, rugged, and minding their own business, while having that small-town sense of being neighborly. Then the GOP spent years co-opting that small-town blue-collar message with their hate mongering, vitriol, anti-American message and a pro-corporation agenda. The real mid west are people that are more in line with Walz than they are with Trump. People that want to respect individual freedoms and elect officials that support blue collar workers, real American patriotism, and doing right by the American people instead of corporations or billionaire criminals.

The camo thing with Walz is about reclaiming blue-collar mid-west American pride. People that are sick of a NY trust-fund baby that lives in a golden skyscraper telling them he is their voice, when people like Walz are literally mid western blue collar representation from someone that served in the armed forces, worked as a teacher, and has cemented his place in politics by earning the respect of his constituents. Walz stands for real support of the troops, responsible gun ownership, worker rights, supporting American communities, freedom, and minding your own business. The people that are into camo hats should be into Walz, not that MAGA bullshit.

Earning trust (fedia.io)
[-] banner80@fedia.io 39 points 2 months ago

Exactly. She worked for a living while paying for her education, and once she was educated she advanced to bigger things. Somehow they want to frame that as a negative mark on her, when it should be the opposite. They can't celebrate someone working hard and doing it on her own because she plays for the opposite team.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 84 points 2 months ago


It’s rare for a professor to disparage the intelligence of a student, but according to attorney Frank DiPrima, who was close friends with professor William T. Kelley for 47 years, the prof made an exception for Donald Trump, at least in private. “He must have told me that 100 times over the course of 30 years,” says DiPrima [...] “I remember the inflection of his voice when he said it: ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!’” He would say that [Trump] came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything, that he was arrogant and he wasn’t there to learn.” Kelley, who passed away in 2011 at age 94, taught marketing at Wharton for 31 years, retiring in 1982.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 74 points 2 months ago

He said he aced the dementia test, he boasted to anyone that would listen. He said he has no issues spotting a cartoon giraffe or even remembering 5 words in a row.

[-] banner80@fedia.io 48 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Do you speak of the documented cases of rape of adult women, such as the case he lost in court and the story told by his wife; or are you referring to the several credible accusations of abuse of minors?

[-] banner80@fedia.io 159 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Biden stepped down before getting the official nomination. Trump was nominated by his party last week. That makes Trump officially the oldest candidate nominated by a political party.

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