Ninety-one felony indictments in four cases in three states and Washington, DC. And forty of them are either for or are related to espionage.
Ninety-one felony indictments in four cases in three states and Washington, DC. And forty of them are either for or are related to espionage.
we watched him do this shit for 4 years 3 years ago, and they’re “stunned” about this now???
they knew. they always knew. that’s why they went into business with him. this objection is purely performative so they can take his dirty money while trying to stay clean.
but they’re still just as dirty
either way?
look, the headline makes it sound like the SG of NATO made ceding land conditional to join NATO, which simply didn’t happen. What seems like did happen is that he merely suggested it as a possibility during a panel discussion, and not even to Ukrainians.
One is an outrageous diplomatic blunder of international proportions, the other is a somewhat insensitive gaffe and nothing more. It’s huge difference, and it’s important not only to note that but how shitty it is of Newsweek to make it sound like the first happened when, in reality, it was the second. as I pointed out, the first 3 sentences is backtracking from the total lie of a headline.
weird how those who keep claiming “protect the kids!” really just want to control everything you do and spy on you. and then they keep getting busted for things like pedophelia, child molestation, chid sex trafficking, and possessing child porn?
weird, huh?
that’s why I overwrote all ofmy comments with gibberish 10 times before I deleted them, so even if they un-deleted them and/or restored previous version, they’d have real trouble finding a version that wasn’t total gibberish. I just knew they’d pull this crap.
he doesn’t even have to vote for a democrat; he could vote for a 3rd party or not vote at all. but, nope. he’ll vote for trump. again.
meanwhile, Russia is pulling its 80-year-old Soviet war machines out of mothballs just to keep up with Ukraine’s “Junior High Team"
Equality means you get to be exploited like the rest of the peasants 
his biggest donor just cut him off for being “a bit much” with the nazi shit, so don’t be so sure he’s paying audience members.
[sad nazi trombone]
Well, if you can produce evidence of that, or if anyone else can produce evidence of that, then it should be investigated. Currently, there is no evidence of that. Therefore, an investigation into that does not seem to be warranted. Not legally, anyway.
You even admit that all there are are “allegations”. That’s not enough to even sustain a search warrant. You can’t just go violating someone’s rights because you have some sort of allegation or suspicion. And the GOP is trying to start some conspiracy circus because they don’t have dirt on Joe Biden, so they’re trying to get to him by making up a bunch of crap about his son instead. and while Hunter Biden may be kind of a scumbag, unless they can actually produce evidence that he did anything illegal with regards to his father, and they haven’t been able to so far, there’s no reason to start a house committee investigation.
Nobody is shrugging this off. Those left of center are freaking out while the Nazis on the right are cheering him on.
Nobody is shrugging this off