Unfortunately no. The swivel range gets severely reduced when I invert the mount, stopping with the camera pointing basically upwards at the mount's farthest point.
Searching "GoPro mount extension" did bring up what I wanted though, so thank you!
Unfortunately no. The swivel range gets severely reduced when I invert the mount, stopping with the camera pointing basically upwards at the mount's farthest point.
Searching "GoPro mount extension" did bring up what I wanted though, so thank you!
I think ZH is the language code for Chinese, while CN is just the country code
Eh, I've done more daunting things before so if all fails I guess I'll just be mousing away at the phone until i get it. Thanks for the help!
Is it possible by any chance to input a pattern with a keyboard? From what I managed to look up it doesn't seem like it, but I couldn't find a definite answer.
Thanks for the write-up! Seems like I'll have to indeed resort to externals or to my home PC like u/catloaf said.
I also tried booting into safe mode, and after I modified the process you listed a bit I was able to get into safe mode (judging by the brief lock screen flash with Safe mode in the bottom left), but unfortunately it didn't overwrite the OS setting, so that option is out of the question as well. I could also check if USB/ADB connectivity changes at all in safe mode, but I'm afraid it will not.
I need the data, yes. If I didn't I would've wiped it from the start.
In Polish we use "24 godziny na dobę" which means 24 hours per day
That's insane. If it doesn't bother you, how did it feel? How long was the drive? What happened afterwards?
Haven't ever heard it in English either, but it's very common in Polish. In Polish LED can even become a proper adjective, e.g. "światło ledowe" (LED light), with the initialism even losing capitalisation
The only RGB I have is a tiny module in my mouse's scroll wheel, and that's it. I didnt realise the mouse had that module when I bought it and I was quite irritated because of that but I've grown to actually like it.
On another note, I'm using an old keyboard that's basically at death's door because it seems like it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to find a good keyboard without RGB in it. It's insane.
One of the reasons I like Thinkpads so much is the support of the community with mods, parts and so on. Feel free to hmu if you need Thinkpad help lol.
That's specifically why I got mine. It's a shame I couldn't find good deals on a T440P in my area but even the regular T440 should be enough for my needs. Thanks for the link btw! Interesting that the T440 has a military certification lmao
Oh, right. Yeah, I could do that. Thanks!