Help me stepshark, I’m trapped in this iceberg
Wow he also looks like absolute shit apparently
Rowling should have stopped saying things in like 2005 tbh
Presumably patents relating to the implementation of bad management strategies
Wow I like this Elon guy less and less every time I read a headline about him
Right so clearly userbenchmark is trash, but where could one, hypothetically, go, to, hypothetically, compare the performance of various cpus, hypothetically?
Yeah so you gotta buy the lumafly lantern before you go in that area
A group of Norwegian unions says it will act against Tesla in solidarity with its Swedish colleagues
Wow Norway going out to bat for Sweden :o
Tesla must really have pissed these guys off
Yeah I’m out of the loop on this one tbh
I fucking hate this country
Yeah this is from 2019? Seems pretty prescient
joined 1 year ago
Once sanitised by a fantastic PR team, musk has really gone off the rails lately