“Okay it happened, but I didn’t know about it”
Next I assume will be
“Okay it happened and I did know about it, but it’s too late to do anything about it so it doesn’t matter”
“Okay it happened, but I didn’t know about it”
Next I assume will be
“Okay it happened and I did know about it, but it’s too late to do anything about it so it doesn’t matter”
Oh right american football. Fucking hell. :(
vladimir futon ^its such a weak joke and yet its also sensational fourth wall breaking surrealist avant garde humour colour me impressed^
Oh my god that’s so bad how is it this bad
Every time the bar looks so low there’s no way anybody is getting underneath it, whaddayaknow wouldyoujustlookatthat one of these fuckheads has done it again. Muthafuckin hotwheels ass lookin muthafucka. Sliding under the bar like that.
Yo what the fuck guys can you not
I mean I want a stripper girlfriend and a gold-top les Paul but we don’t always get what we want do we, Steve you prick
Well I’ve gone from being entirely indifferent to strongly disliking Google. I am actively and somewhat successfully in the process of de-googling. I encourage my friends to do the same, with some success. I think the writing is on the wall. Google seems to have no desire to maintain any sort of goodwill or positive feeling amongst the general public, whom it clearly views as a naturally occurring resource rather than a customer base. Nobody can predict the future but I don’t have a good feeling about the future of the company. Perhaps they will be able to diversify, but their recent actions show both that they deeply misunderstand their product and also that they lack good ideas about how to progress and evolve as an organisation. Fuck Google. All my homies hate Google.
This photograph has a remarkably similar vibe to another similarly lit and well known photograph of a building
Probably both tbh
Let’s mint a new razor: assume both malice and incompetence
Ahh yes clearly the only sensible solution to a man ~~taking the tube~~ ‘riding the subway’ without paying for a ticket is to pull out your Big Gun™️ and shoot ~~him~~ some poor fucking random guy in the head fuck my life bro holy shit