Nice! Good luck!
Pivpn was discontinued just a heads up. I switched to just plain wireguard when I heard the news.
Get your head out of the gutter. There is a difference between file and philia, the former being something managed by this program and the latter being Greek for "love". Further, the phil- prefix/suffix is used in many words which don't mean what you seem to associate it with. Take philosophy for example—the love of wisdom.
My screen is still the same 144hz. How do you make it go faster?
Yeah this was a big change for my parents who always complained about slow wifi speeds. I spent a summer wiring the walls with cat6 and plugged everything I could directly into a big switch I got for them. Printers, desktops, start tvs, the lot. Then I set them up with multiple access points and voilà, the wifi is suddenly fast again without upgrading their plan
I don't smoke anymore either, but when I did I bought pure cotton filters that were biodegradable in case they left the bin somehow.
I was definitely scared if Arch before trying it. Seemed like the general consensus was that it wasn't a matter of if Arch would break, but when. I heard that updating everything will eventually break the system. Well, I figured, I'd like to try it just to see. I haven't had a single problem and it's the setup I'm most proud of l, having spent the most amount of time building it up to exactly how I like it.
How about 180k?
Reactionary is the word you're looking for.
apt install firefox
This is one of my least favourite films. I know it's a fan favourite, but I just don't get it