Tracking everyone: American Companies 🤝 American Government
Americans 😐
Tracking everyone: American Companies 🤝 American Government
Americans 😐
IMO trying to make execution humane is kinda pointless. It is really just done to ease the guilt of those who participate and watch in it. If you participate in killing someone, you should feel guilty. That applies equally no matter if your carrying out a state-sanctioned murder or a street murder.
"You know... morons"
MAGAs are rebelling against the notion that they are not a privileged group. They feel like it's the libs (and the 'fakenews') fault that they aren't succeeding.
If those pesky libs didn't try to treat everyone the same (even the blacks and the LGBTs) they would still feel like they are the special important group like they did in the good old days.
They feel attacked at the mere notion they might not be inherently better than disadvantaged groups. Ultimately, they are hiding from the uncomfortable truth that they are just as shitty as everyone else. They're not special. But Trump makes them feel special.
Hmm, It's worked for me recently. I guess ymmv depending on your IP.
Sir, this is a Lemmy.
Here's a creative way to do it.
Kudos for sharing. Feel free to ignore those who challenge your values. It takes a bunches of mental energy to argue and it isn't necessarily worth it to argue.
With that said, I will still would like to ask you a question, if you are up for it.
How did you form your values?
I only ask because it is easy, when you are raised as Christian, to uncritically accept the teaching, values, and views of those around you as your own.
As kids we are conditioned through school, parents, and in general just information asymmetry to accept what adults say as fact and not question it. It is easy to carry that same tendency over into our values and viewpoints. Kids and adults have a hard time separating fact from opinion. We tend to treat widely held beliefs as fact instead of as the opinions they actually are.
Kindness is at best a veneer for the vast majority.
I admire your clarity of thought here.
The pandemic did reduce my stress level temporarily by getting me away from people pleasing behavior but it also made me feel kinda jaded about people for a while.
I like your username. How did you come up with it if you don't mind sharing?
I wonder if this is related to Poland stopping sending weapons to Ukraine.
Politicians in charge of these programs love to pretend they should be the arbitrators of who receives support when in fact support should be distributed as widely and freely as possible to the population. modern politicians are largely bought and paid for to give support mostly to those who don't need it instead of those who do.
Politicians are intentionally not well equipped to decide who is deserving of funds as should be evident from their response to financial crises like the 2008 financial crisis.
I'd guess it's because of the shape of the car structure. In a pickup bed the blast goes up. But if it was in a car or suv all the energy would go horizontally out the windows since there's a roof stopping it from going up.