Uh ... Yes. Everyone has an innate survival instinct. Sure in what seems like a shitty situation, life might feel hopeless temporarily, but I'd bet you'll eventually adapt and get over the initial shock. I'm not sure what you mean by proper, but to me it seems like proper is just shorthand for what is profitable, useful, or easy to people with power.
In what way is it unreasonable for a state to set rules for a private organization? Especially one with a huge say in determining who gets into public office.
But more than 80% of the Americans have little to no say in how the government works. There's a Princeton study that 90%+ of Americans have little or no impact on US Policy. It's very much a cop out to blame Americans at large because it minimizes the harsh fact that money and the people who use it are what influences our system.
Damn that last paragraph is spot on.
I understand your justification for your beliefs and even share some of your moral beliefs. It seems to me like you didn't really answer in the way I meant to communicate it. I'll try to rephrase my original question to what I mean clearer. What causes you to rank your own values in the way you do?
Why do you think access to guns is more important than your beliefs on abortion? Or why are they more important than not getting overcharged on everything from housing to education to healthcare?
If you're aware of them do you mind linking them?
The purpose of life is what you make it.
Society in my area says the purpose of life is to get a job, get married, and have some kids. All of these are optional but each one increases your perceived value to the government and to individual people. Some people work their entire lives conforming to societies expectations for them and still live what they would describe as unfulfilling lives.
Instead, or in addition to, I would suggest you focus on creating your own purpose. I would describe a purpose as a overarching objective for your life. I'll list some purposes that you could adopt.
- Provide companionship for those who you deem deserving.
- Care for others by providing a stable living environment.
- Guide people to make informed choices.
- Help others to use their resources wisely.
- Inspire peers to think about their purpose in life.
- Join and help an organized group that has an overarching purpose you want to contribute towards.
- Entertain other people and yourself.
- Make something you can share with others.
- Organize others to help achieve a shared purpose.
- Form your own opinions on how life should be lived and apply them.
These are a small sampling of purposes people adopt and you need not limit yourself to one. However be mindful that your attention is limited and each purpose can take a considerable amount of time. With that in mind try to pick goals and activities that help you achieve your purpose(s).
In pursuing your purpose, you will find moments of happiness. Embrace them. You will also find moments of frustration and anger. Understand why you feel this way and learn to embrace them as well. Understand when your emotions are clouding your judgement and learn to resist it when necessary.
Happy travels.
Actions > Talk. They were telling you their true views. People rarely say the quiet part(their views) out loud so it is valuable to be able to translate their actions into their true views.
When you know how others truly feel, it allows you to decide who is worth listening to. Not to say you shouldn't listen to people with different views, but instead decide whether they are telling you their beliefs or telling you what they think you want to hear(BSing you) and use that rate how trustworthy they are on the topic.
People are conditioned to pretend to agree and to pretend to care. Much of school is about teaching students to pretend to listen or pretend to agree. When someone asks "How are you?" usually they are pretending to care.
It can be annoying when someone pretends to want do something to instead of being honest, but it can also be annoying for to the event planner to plan an event only for no one to want to participate.
When the people around you are routinely dishonest(in subtle ways), as is common in school, work or society, it feels necessary to adapt the same behavior to conform to the norm.
I see so basically strong worker and family protections, and healthcare not being treated as a extortion scheme. If only the US government wasn't filled with bad actors who are basically unaccountable to the people.
In addition to people somewhat naturally wanting to punish crime, A lot of people like to feel superior to others in any way they can. That way they can be internally excuse their own shortcomings.
Ex: I may be unsuccessful but at least I'm not a druggie, criminal, black, or a heathen. Too many Americans would rather hate and suppress someone in different circumstances rather than help them out.
Discourse is a forum software. Maybe you are mixing it up with something else like disqus?