[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 63 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Fusion reactors are incredibly complicated.... This is a research reactor, with the goal of figuring out how to create sustainable fusion for real world uses by 2050.

This is not a performative action for a determinative outcome, this is aspirational and has no guarantee of achieving its goals, which is good. This type of research and science needs to be funded, even when it may fail.

Maybe this will spurn competition between powers to accelerate their own fusion reactor research, and create a virtuous cycle that accelerates this technology becoming a major source of green energy in the near, or medium-term, future.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 63 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Projectivy launcher, problem ~~solved~~ adequately duct taped.

Stop connecting your TVs directly to the internet, I don't care what OS it's running. The trend is clear with TV manufacturers, and if your current TV OS doesn't yet inject ads into your streaming box's HDMI stream, why risk it updating? Because that's coming soon enough, and I imagine what it does, an update requiring your TV to have internet connection won't be far behind.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 62 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Arizona is not a solidly blue state, and Mark Kelly is unusually popular for a senator.

Arizona Democrats also don't have that deep of a bench to pull out a candidate that's a lock for a statewide race.

I'm not saying it's impossible for any Democrat to win the election for Mark Kelly's seat, I am saying it's a significant risk that they probably won't want to take.

And that's before taking into account that Arizona Democrats already have a handful with the seat being left open by their current manic pixie dream senator.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 61 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This poll is a notable outlier... The article is basically just a blog post from the polling outfit itself...

Here's results on 65 different polls for Michigan:


The vast majority of polls have Trump leading Michigan, but a lot of those are also within the margin of error and otherwise very close.

What is with Lemmy's insistence on pretending that the debate either didn't hurt Biden, or actually helped him?

It's like a lot of people here actually believe that by pretending nothing is wrong, that means nothing is wrong.

FYI that New York Times link is simply an easy aggregated URL that shows the results for, and then directly links to 65 different polls for Michigan.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 57 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I maintain one baremetal Windows install that gets fairly regular use. It's on a major OEM business class workstation with a legit Windows 10 pro license.

Recently, I had to wipe and reset and goddamn do they try and trick you into choosing all the worst spyware settings AND even if you successfully duck and weave past them, they'll just cheat and enable them, or reinstall shit like co-pilot during an update.

They just made me sign into that shitty M365 app to install a legit subscription of Office, and on the next reboot, it converted the local user account into an online user account.

Make no mistake, Recall is going to be enabled by hook, or by crook, for the vast majority of Windows 11 users in due time. No matter how many times they disable it, or opt out.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 59 points 8 months ago

None of the above. It was used to hide improper/illegal expenditures. If I recall correctly it was vacation expenses, or something else that stupid. Basically lecturn cost $1k or $2k, and the rest got funneled back to cover those costs.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 66 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I've never complimented, or defended Steve Jobs before, because he was a grade A piece of shit...but, Steve Jobs transformed technology precisely because he was a phenomenal salesman, with a great eye for technical talent.

Just because he wasn't an engineer, doesn't change the fact that he forged Apple into what it became, and that absolutely contributed to modern technology - for better, and worse.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 65 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Those are two separate events...

The false flag apartment bombings were carried out by actual Russian security services - not Chechen assets, or militants.

On an ~~related~~ unrelated note, ~~some of Russian agents who took part were comically stupid.~~ If you aren't aware of the Sims vs SIM card mix-up, do yourself a favor and look it up.

Edit: as pointed out below, the Sims vs SIM card was not part of the 1999 false flag operation, but a more recent one (2022). My bad.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 57 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Parents NEED to lodge formal complaints with the police and school boards in EVERY district that still has dictionaries and encyclopedias in the libraries.

Whittle down every district until they're only allowed to work on coloring books for every grade K-12, or as close as they can get.

Don't forget to target private schools with massive social media campaigns to inform all parents that dictionaries = grooming. If the private schools refuse to respond, convince the dumber wealthy parents to pull their kids and put them into a safe school, without books.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 60 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As much of a win as this is, there are any number of normal battlefield conditions and reasons this could've happened, that aren't just "HAHA RUSSIAN MILITARY DUMB"

  1. Electronic warfare systems are typically cycled to allow friendly forces to use the spectrums they jam. These schedules are timed by counter-EW teams.
  1. Missles and bombs often have multiple guidance systems e.g. the GMLRS fired by HIMARS/M270 MLRS both GPS and intertial guidance systems.
  1. HARM (Anti-radiation missiles) could have been deployed to force the Russians to kill active radar systems of the SAM battery protecting this system.
  1. Laser guidance from special forces, or local partisan group, could have provided the targeting.
  1. The story itself could be part of an information or counter-intelligence operation to hide real means and methods used, or trick Russian military/intelligence.

And these are just a few reasons why while this is a win, should probably not be used as confirmation bias to underestimate Russia's capabilities.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 67 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes, but that's only the convenient half for the pro-Israeli media.

The inconvenient other half is that they have blocked EVERY possible exit from Gaza, including telling the Egyptians to not allow anyone out.

So, no food, fuel, electricity, medicine, water, or shelters. One of the MOST densely populated regions in the whole world, and they were just expected to what? Walk down the strip to sit in the 'safe' bombed out rubble?

Would they be allowed a "right of return" afterwards?

No good options for those residents. So you can use this to rightfully condem Hamas because it suits their political objectives, but that doesn't change the fact about the rest of what I've laid out.

So what would you do? Stay in your home and risk death? Or become homeless and only have a marginally less chance of death?

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