I’ve heard this a lot - is it just a common joke in privacy circles, or is anyone using Tor/Tails actually likely to be on a list?
A roommate’s girlfriend rummaged through my drawers and took some small bills and change from my dresser. My roommate sided with her, saying it wasn’t a big deal.
Our friendship soured, I got a new lock for my room that only I had a key to, and I set up a security camera on my desk. She never did do it again after being caught, but it made the rest of the time I lived there not particularly pleasant. I always felt slightly on edge, keeping an eye to make sure nothing had been moved or taken.
It seems quite fully featured to me, and v1.0 was just released
Today, Macías Nguema is regarded as one of the most kleptocratic, corrupt and dictatorial leaders in post-colonial African history.
I have changed my mind, definitely not goals
I’m Starting To Worry About This Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin. It’s an excellent thriller, with a great exploration of how Internet rumors can spill over into the real world
I’ve done this before with a laptop and KVM switch. It worked fine. YMMV depending on the dock and switch in question though. The only issue I ran into was needing separate cables for the mouse/keyboard and video from the switch to the dock.
Oh, and someone here reminded me: cannabis. Lots and lots of it.
I shudder to think about how poorly I’d be handling things if I didn’t have cannabis lol
I feel you on voting with your feet. I left beet-red Indiana for a Democratic-leaning swing state a few years ago. And yet, once you get outside the city by just a few minutes, it’s Trump signs everywhere. Doesn’t feel very reassuring.
It’s cliche to talk about moving to Canada after a US election, but I have started to collect my passport and papers and look at multiple countries for ease of entry, in case shit hits the fan.
Who do you think you’re helping with this?
Pretty cool. What does the planning and construction process look like that enables them to build out so quickly?
Very cool! I had no idea this was a thing! Very up my alley - I’m going to dig in some more, thanks for sharing