I've been told my vote won't matter if I don't vote for the right candidate. that's voter suppression if I've ever seen it
I ran it. it was fine for the games I played but it made my fans rev up like jet engines.
... I'm disappointed
first they came for the
come on. everyone knows the next word. lets say it together.
so.... is the offered fuel "enough"? like I said: I don't know much about electrical infrastructure. but I don't think you need to know anything about it to believe that hospitals shouldn't lose power for any patient, ICU babies or otherwise.
I don't know how hospital power systems are designed. maybe it's possible that you could only power infant icus. I doubt it. either the hospital has power or it doesn't. at least that's what I would expect. so it's not a matter of whether you're just powering icu's. also fuck israel.
you don't need to take cows for dairy, either
no one is raping cows
if i'm told my vote won't count, why would i vote?