That's weird. I use WhatsApp daily without Google play services and it doesn't do that. I have a pixel 7a
Linux mint my beloved
Most of my communications with friends used to be on Instagram and discord. Discord was easy to get rid of because I kept having issues with notifications on it and told my friends that and eventually they got the message when I just didn't receive/reply to anything that they sent me.
Instagram was a lot harder to get rid of. It's a lot easier to pressure people in person than online. I deleted Instagram and told my friends that they could get in touch with me on signal. Initially they were contacting me on SMS, but I used social pressure with my converted friends to get the others on it by making a group chat on signal and constantly referencing conversations on there. Fear of missing out is a big motivator to get people to switch.
Another thing that I did was empathize the features of signal over SMS. I talked about things like being able to see when people are typing, read receipts, profile pictures, stickers, etc. Obviously my main motivation is for security, but a lot of people automatically bristle and have the usual "i don't have anything to hide" talking points so it's been easier to use those other approaches. With the results of the recent US election it's been easier to convince people to make the switch, though.
2nd hand fairphone
LMDE. It really does just work.
Marginalia isn't a daily driver search engine, but it specifically gets you obscure results. Pretty nifty side-engine to have.
I have WhatsApp from Aurora store on grapheneOS and occasionally get what you're describing, but it's not constant.
I have a t480 and didn't need to do that
I've only got about a month left that I have to use it. Would prefer to use a separate profile as opposed to a web browser so I wouldn't have to sign in all of the time + get flagged as a bot because of my VPN. I have tried webapp sandboxing but it hardly worked and broke most things.
I have an old-ish dumb TV. Just look around on something like Craigslist and you've got a good chance of finding one
I'm from a pretty rural area in the south and yes, hunting is common which is why many have guns. IMO it's more ethical to know exactly what the process is to get your meat and take its life respectfully than to just eat something from a grocery store that suffered its entire life and know nothing of the process it took to get it on a shelf. Like you said, it is definitely healthier in most cases because it's grass fed and free range. Store bought meat tends to be way fatter than it should be. One time I visited a chicken plant/house and the poor chickens were bred to have so much meat and fat that most of them couldn't walk or could barely limp. No way in hell that's healthy for the chicken or the human consuming it.
It's also important for the environment for humans to hunt because surprise, we're also animals, and we're an important part of the food chain especially because we took out or greatly reduced most of the other big predators like mountain lions and wolves. Deer and rabbit overpopulation can become a HUGE problem if there aren't people sustainably hunting and keeping their population in check. Most important thing is getting a clean shot and making sure that the animal doesn't suffer.
Another reason people keep guns is for pests and the likes. One time a snake got into my chicken coop and decided it was a good idea to eat one of the fake ceramic eggs that I keep on the nests so that the chickens know where to lay. Eating that egg was a death sentence for that poor snake, and a slow and painful one at that. Since I don't own any guns I called my neighbor over and he shot it so it didn't have to suffer anymore. There's a lot of situations like that that happen out in the country where a gun is useful.
Of course, there's always the MAGA nutcases who hoard guns like assault rifles because they think that Armageddon is coming or something. Or the people that use them as a status symbol or to intimidate others. Those people are obnoxious and I don't want anything to do with them. We need to teach much more reverence for guns because they can easily take someone's life. They're not some toy to display.