As a pansexual man, I like that games do this. But what I actually want to see from a game at some point is characters whose diversity includes their sexuality -- not just characters that mirror my own. (For simplicity's sake I'm lumping romantic and sexual attraction together here, though I know they are different.)
I want a male character to turn down my advances because he's straight, or a female character to do the same because she's just not in to guys. Or the hot pink-haired enby punk to turn down everyone because they're ace/aro.
But I also want scenes where a same-sex character awkwardly confesses their feelings with the protagonist, and players who are straight end up in the situation of having to let them down. (Or, perhaps, decide that it's okay if your character's preferences don't mirror your own.) And maybe those players discover the character they've been crushing on all game isn't interested in them -- but with mature options for handling that rejection.
In a world where people are always talking about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity, why aren't we presenting the idea that its okay for a straight man to continue to be good friends with a woman who loves other women without the "maybe I can change her mind" mindset?
If you haven't played Talos Principle, it might be up your alley as a first-person puzzle game. And a sequel is planned for later this year!