Also I'm quite sure /dev/hdx is a thing
"Neither of which run well on Linux."
"I've never ran them because of that reason."
Yeah, depending on your definition of reinstall you either reinstall NixOS never or on every boot. There's no in-between.
Gibt es eigentlich noch irgendwen der/die Faeser für kompetent hält?
Hab bei wenigen Politikerinnen so sehr das Gefühl dass die Politik für eine nicht existierende Zielgruppe machen.
It's literally in the article (embedded as a video tweet)
What I can tell you is that Google was extremely detailed in their monitoring of my apps - even looking up e.g. rate limits of the steam api to check if I properly deal with those. And I pick that example since I don't want to talk about the ways I mishandled user data out of negligence or ignorance.
Back then I perceived it as harassment. Today I will certainly not install any apps that didn't pass their testing.
And we're not even talking about deliberate malware but simple incompetence. I would consider the average hobby app project to be borderline malware and a proper QA needs qualified personnel. I don't see how F-Droid can ever reach those standards.
ACME Thingies. The most relatable something used by beings.
Don't even think snatch is the the best Guy Ritchie movie. Lock, stock and two smoking barrels is better imo.
Sounds to me like someone just didn't get German sarcasm...
Even in that very long list of European crimes in history, Sykes-Picot really outshines the rest in how big of a fuckup it was.