It only takes about 3% of the population to push effective revolution. That's still over ten million people. We might be getting close.
I was like fuck that's me. My hairline isn't great but I'm in my early 50s.
It's a weakness. We need more anti-authoritarians here for sure. And even conservatives if nothing else so they can represent their own opinions rather than just laughing at straw-man versions of what neolibs want to say they think. I have moments I hate it here but there's nowhere good to go and I guess I add a little diversity.
Nah let's not let them take the guns from the working class.
I don't go to the movies at all, fuck that industry - and I say that as someone who met his wife working at a movie theater. But restaurants, I eat solo all the time. There are dozens of us!
You really don't think guys won't lie to get laid?
I wish he'd fund meals for kids in schools with that money. We did it for awhile right after COVID but now lunch ladies have to go back to collecting food debt.
Not all states work the same. In Ohio I can just show up and tell them which one I want to vote in each time. I always vote in the Democrat or Republican primary, I get a voice without committing to one or the other.
They just called Wisconsin for Trump which puts him over 270.
I can appreciate that you want them available but I'd love not to be forced to have one. My fingers are too large for those tiny things.
Also, among rifle calibers, .223/5.56 is quite weak on purpose. Many common rifles are far more powerful.
This. I'm in the US and was fully prepared to protest whether Harris or Trump won, I'm opposed to them both in different ways. Trump and team may get me off my ass very quickly though.