[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sure! We can insure that for you! Oh we just noticed that our InsureLink service isn't connecting to your car. So I'll just need you to sign this waiver saying that you're declining the InsureLink Safety discount. Just sign right here. It's just saying that we cannot offer you all of our insurance services, just like if you get in an accident or something and we can't remotely verify what you were doing at the time, we can't help you. Great! And without the Safety discount your premiums will go up by only 372.50 a month.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 9 months ago

The end game of chess is social alienation and alcoholism. The only winning move is not to play. Everything else is a blunder.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 10 months ago

I play chess960, so I just keep aborting games until I get a board where f3 makes sense.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

I used to run a TFTP server on my router that held the decryption keys. As soon as a machine got far enough in the boot sequence to get network access, it would pull the decryption keys from the router. That way a thief would have to steal the router along with the computer, and have the router running when booting up the computer. It works wirelessly, too!

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

This is mostly how I operate, too. Keep it in FLAC so I always have something to go back to.

But if I ever need a USB stick to play in the car, I'm just going MP3 and not thinking twice about it. I know every car that plays from USB is going to play MP3 just fine.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

You're not wrong, but there's a kind of irony in it when you talk about ending humanity because of it. There's a lot to hate about humanity if you have humanity and have human values. There's nothing objectively wrong about being cruel or destructive or dishonest or greedy or abusive or murderous and I imagine most hypothetical alien species would look at those things and say "what's wrong with any of that?"

But because humans evolved as social creatures and our survival depended upon trusting one another, we're constantly trying to judge ourselves against values that can't actually be met. So we look at ourselves and say we're a really horrible species, but that statement only makes sense because ironically we're a really glorious species that's fabricated these completely irrational things like love and compassion and empathy and honesty and sacrifice that no other species has (though many other social species do have bits and pieces of them).

And we'll forever hate ourselves for not being able to live up to our own values.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 8 points 1 year ago

The WAV format never had a licence. It was a trade secret (a rather half-assed one, but whatever).

To be a "proprietary", a file format needs to either be secret (in part or in whole) or require a licence. WAV satisfies neither of those criteria. It is not proprietary.

It would be fair to say that it was proprietary up until it was reverse engineered, but that doesn't apply today. Every part of it is completely specified, openly and without any licensing or legal restrictions. It's an open format.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

Cancer and clean-shavenness aside, I disagree with much of his talk. I don't see making social media (or "anti-social media" as he calls it) illegal is the best solution.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

If I'm 300 on lichess, does that mean my chess.com Elo would be negative?

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I was with you until the last paragraph. Just about every init system is different from historical init systems. Do you really think OpenRC or runit or any of the other init systems people are using have any similarity to SysV init? I think you're attacking a strawman in the last paragraph. (Edit: Except Slackware users. Slackware still does init the way it's traditionally been done, but I can't think of anyone else who does)

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 7 points 2 years ago

Yeah it's not the end of the world. It's slightly disappointing that you have to create yet another account unnecessarily.

[-] duncesplayed@lemmy.one 8 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Yeah I think it's a good option for a lot of people.

As a counterpoint, I recommend watching Louis Rossman's take on why he recommends people pirate instead of paying for YouTube Premium. His general philosophy on things is that you should pay for things unless you're getting an inferior service to the pirates. In this case of YouTube Premium, he considers it restrictive enough (won't let him watch videos offline) that he cancelled his subscription and now recommends piracy.

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