adjacent answer, but resource requirements are lower than might be expected since the simulation only needs to capture elements observed by a conscious entity. the vast majority of the known universe has not been observed in any detail that requires significant memory or processing resources. this same technique is employed by computer game designers so that only scenery and elements within view of a player are fully rendered.
having gotten zapped by 120VAC and 230VAC I totally agree. the former sucks and is no fun while the latter made me question my life choices
yep, right over my head. thought it was just an old timey nervous reference to pirated music.
we'll, shit.
guess I've got some movies to watch
zoltan kaszas.
very strong on the fly and always has new material, usually relevant to wherever he's performing
yep. that's the correct spelling for that sound
any thoughts on some other sort of remote data backup just in case of fire, water damage, etc? years ago I moved is off of our nas for this reason but at this point on I'm really not happy with Googles process and crappy photos software. I wouldn't mind moving back to NAS with some cheaper no frills remote backup just in case
I'm a fan of the WHY FILES. hit a similar genre as what you seem to like
more empathy
I think the end of net neutrality hastened there older internet's demise. now corps are free to monetize as much as they like.
not sure if it's at all related, but jeroba has been crashing all day on my pixel 6. just downloaded connect for Lemmy from they play store and it seems to be working fine
do you mean fusion? fusions the one that separate atomic nuclei that we've had since the 1940's. fusions the one where atomic nuclei are combined, that make headlines when the reactors run for more than a few seconds