I think you're vastly underestimating how cheap most computers are; consumer laptops are around $300-500 median, that's what most people use. And those laptops don't game. The enthusiast computer market, while larger than its ever been, is still a ridiculously small percentage of computers sold.
Financially illiteracy is a point; but it's not a point for 50+% of the US. Median wage is $50k/year, which is far too low to ever purchase a home, so they're affected by the median rent being $1,383. which is half their net income.
You're right, that's why I support genocide. There are too many oppressive laws aimed at oppressing the rights of fascists, or as I've taken to calling them, people with genocidal thoughts they'd like to turn into actions. You can't start oppressing them, otherwise someone could use those laws to oppress me!
Literally in any of the hundreds of current underground sites? It's also not highly toxic, it's radioactive. There's a pretty huge difference. Nuclear waste doesn't leech into the water cycle like the run off of broken solar panels or turbine arms.
There'll be more people watching than likely any other live event in history; he quite literally will never have and has never had a larger platform.
This is a serious problem I think isn't actually talked about enough. There is a 'ring of trust' on most social media now that in my opinion goes far too far; if you don't have enough algorithmically determined 'trust,' you'll be booted off without a way to appeal. Reddit shadowbans the vast majority of new accounts, but hasn't been able to cut down on spambots; Facebook by its nature needs ridiculous amounts of personal information but even then doesn't actually use it to assign more trust since bot-owners can supply generated information that's equally as valid; really all social media, especially if you do anything at all to protect your privacy, assumes you're a spambot first, then only lets you participate after you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you might be a human. I understand we're already half way into developing a dead internet, but there's no reason we need to go full throttle into it by limiting actual humans from signing up past a certain point in a product's lifespan.
We aren't 'powerless,' but we really don't want to do the solution. Just 300,000 blue-voting california residents in the right states would ensure Democrat control of the executive for at least the next 10 election cycles; around 2 million moving to the right states and districts would ensure at least a blue majority in congress as well. But I ain't signing up to move. And the DNC isn't offering relocation vouchers. And it's probably not legal for them to offer to pay for relocation for political purposes.
Honestly carpentry and a bit of gardening; what I do in my free time now. I'd also probably still be doing computer work, since you know, technology isn't incompatible with socialism or communism. It's really a weird thought that we'd need to go full anarcho-primative to have human rights again; as if technology did not exist under any other economic system. I've never met one of you that can explain how the soviet union had computers if socialism means no iphone.
No it'd be unreasonable if you were trying in a full-scale lab with sci-fi grade vats of pure THC. The LD50 is 1270mg per 1kg; or 101,600mg for an average American adult. For example that's about twice as toxic as table salt or about 10 times less toxic than caffeine. If you were to fall in a vat of pure d9 THC suspended in any solution, you would drown before you could be exposed to enough to meet the LD50. If you got out of the vat without drowning, you would not die from the THC, literally it would be impossible. Additionally, at the rate it is metabolized by the body, that 101,600mg needs to happen within about a half hour. If you spread that exposure out over a day, you literally cannot die from it. To really emphasize this, if you're a functional adult eating 2,000 calories of the highest density gummy available on the market (25mg d9 thc x 10 cal) per day, getting all of your nutrition from THC gummies, you would be ingesting around 5,000mg of d9 THC that day; remember you need 101,600mg per hour to reach the LD50.
It is literally not physically possible to ingest enough to overdose, and injecting it does nothing. It is easier to accidentally overdose on water than it is d9 THC.
Sorry you forgot the reason you're not currently locked in a factory with a gun pointed at your head for a chance to win MineCorp FunBux is because of red state socialists committing some pretty severe acts of violence against the state and US military during strikes. In revisionist history, nothing at all happened at Blair Mountain.
Nuclear power is exactly as renewable as solar power; and 'highly' radioactive waste is a fraction of a fraction of the waste generated, with most waste being less harmful than living within 50 miles of a coal mine, or 100 miles of a coal power plant. It's also entirely defeated by a relatively small amount of one of the most common metals on Earth. Additionally, if we were to power the entire world with just nuclear power, the amount of unusable waste generated per year globally would be smaller than a compact sedan, requiring a little less than a box-truck sized container to store it safely anywhere on the planet. It would take several tens of billions of years to accumulate to a problematic size for safe storage.
Yes, absolutely. If it takes me a year to make a high-quality table, then I shouldn't keep getting paid for the table for the rest of my life + 70 years + whatever new extension Disney comes up with.