[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, given there is no 'empty land,' you are always destroying something if you create a windfarm on land. On the other end of this, offshore windfarms unironically create local ecosystems. If your goal is not just decarbonization, but decarbonization in order to better the health of the planet, which it should be, then offshore would be the best option.

See: Germany tearing down land wind farms in order to mine more coal. Those turbines aren't going to be repurposed, they're going to scrap yards.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

Hyperbole works against your goals, and is a direct driver of teen vaping. There are absolutely positive effects with nicotine, to pretend otherwise is simply 'Reefer Madness' for overly panicked sheltered millennials. The primary problem, and thus the messaging, should be that the positives do not outweigh the negatives; and nicotine addiction is incredibly hard to break away from.

An 'evolved' society that resorts to pointless, unfounded, unscientific scare tactics to justify government control isn't an evolved society, it's the 1920s.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

If you want I can scientifically prove capitalism is the source of the majority of bad things currently happening in capitalist society; but lets be honest you just really don't understand the word capitalism if you're defending it.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

I am in the EU. There is literally no storage for highly radioactive waste.

Pay to store it in Finland, like everyone else is doing. They currently have a facility that isn't even a quarter full and can be heavily expanded.

That’s not true. Nuclear waste can also contaminate ground water, if stored incorrectly. And as we discussed: we have no storage solution for the highly radioactive waste and thus can’t store it correctly.

Solar panels can contaminate ground water if stored incorrectly, that's a useless statement.

And as discussed there are thousands of storage facilities available. Just because your specific economic union has not built one yet, does not mean you cannot use one of the commercial ones, and by the way these long-term storage facilities aren't the part that store the waste safely. The containers do, and short of a nuclear bomb going off the waste isn't escaping them. So much so that despite waste existing since the 1960s, there has never been an incident of nuclear waste escaping containment. Ever. Coal spillages have caused more radioactive contamination than nuclear waste.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

Except can you really say “genociding native americans”

As a country, the US has spent more of its existence genociding native Americans than allowing women to vote, or having a standing army.

and “slavery” are a part of American culture?

The US currently has fully legalized privatized slavery. You, specifically you, can own a slave in the US right now. You can even treat them as if the constitution does not apply to them in any way. Simply buy a prisoner and get a judge to commit that prisoner to you for the length of their sentence. It's so ingrained in our culture, we've never stopped the practice.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

The total cost per kWh of nuclear electricity is more expensive than common renewable sources of electricity.

Subsidize nuclear as much as renewables and the price equalizes.

The total amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for nuclear is greater than the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of common renewable sources of electricity.

This is incorrect, objectively.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

Baseload is not a goal, it’s a limit.

I would love to know what oil company you heard that from, since it's absolutely not true. You can both turn them off quickly (faster, in fact, than LNG or Coal), start them up quickly (sub minutes) and change production quickly. These have all been features since 1960's era reactors, and we're around 10 generations past them.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online -1 points 1 year ago

How long do you think it takes to build renewables? It's been about 20 years since most countries have started implementation and no country is 100% reliant on renewable energy or could store even a night's energy needs without generation.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

They (singular) has been used since at least Shakespeare, so every single student in an English-speaking country has learned how to use it correctly; including how to format sentences using singular they. 'The firefighter rescued a puppy from a burning building; they were really lucky they spotted the puppy in time.' In any sentence where two pronouns are the same, you'd replace one or the other (preferably the latter though the 'rules' on this are stupidly complex). Alex was drinking Jim's coffee. He should really buy ~~him~~Jim a replacement.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 0 points 1 year ago

That's a pretty iffy statement if you've ever talked to a veteran or active duty member. Sure, most might be loyal to the constitution, but the military votes republican for the most part, and that included in 2016 and 2020.

[-] escapesamsara@discuss.online 1 points 1 year ago

Modern nuclear reactors do not used enriched uranium, and thus cannot be used to build a bomb; but go off I guess.

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