That might be what the guidelines say, but it's not the experience of any trans British person is or has been and not what the people in charge of the British government or healthcare say. Here's a short video explaining in detail how the British government fails trans people
It happened to reddit
In b4 they artificially lengthen load times for more ads
Maybe they should try a raffle!
Conservatives try to pass a constitutional law challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
Then their propaganda machine spins it into being the Democrats fault and we continue to circle the drain
Anyone that says this has not experienced the very real horrors of actual bed bugs
Hey man, you don't have to hold the world up by itself. Not everything is your responsibility. In fact a lot of what people are saying here that are causing these spikes are a result of isolation and society failing our people. All out individualism isn't that great for people. We need interdependence because we can't do this all alone. We need that sense of community that has all but been demolished. It's good that you aren't blaming others for your problems, but also, society could be more helpful/beneficial to you instead of kicking you to the curb instead of making everything seem hopeless. It could provide you the tools to climb out instead of leaving you in the well.
All this to say, is that please don't be ashamed to ask for help. None of us would've gotten this far without help from others.
I've learned countless things from reddit, from science facts, to breaking news events and novel solutions for my work. I specifically would like to list how reddit changed the course of my life.
I had always been agnostic and fairly oblivious to the injustices in our world, not really concerned about politics. Seeing how much needless hurt exists out there sent me about as far left as you can go and I've been that way ever since. Combine that with finding the Epicurean problem of evil there and now I'm also atheist.
As time went on I saw a few cheating stories and common signs to watch for. These signs started popping up with my ex and sure enough she was cheating. That ended the relationship.
The last way it absolutely changed the course of my life was I ran across a video by a trans man coming to terms with his masculinity and him describing his feelings that lead him to transitioning. I realized I experienced the exact same feelings he did growing up and that I'm actually trans.
I mean if they gut the regulatory agencies the companies will probably just remove the ingredient list altogether