4.3 became 4.7Gb Kali Linux Live image.
I do it externally with this script
# Sample file backup-documents.sh
cd ${HOME}/documents
tar -cJpf /run/media/fireshell/EAGET/mybackups/documents-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').tar.xz .
# Sample file restore-documents.sh
mkdir -p ~/documents
last_documents="$(ls -1t ${backup_dir}/documents-*.tar.xz | head -n1)"
cd ~/documents && \
tar -xpf ${last_documents}
Instead of Redis DBMS, the Valkey 7.2.5 fork is included. No wonder it was thrown out.
You were right. After the arrest, it caused a backlash in India. An investigation was launched against the encrypted messaging app to find out whether it violated Indian laws.
I expected you to say that, that it was something else. :D
It's you protonmail who will tell how they disclose user data, which leads to arrest in Spain. Source
Wallabag also has open instances where you can register as a example.
in general, it was interesting to read, nothing more
joined 7 months ago
On New Year's Eve, each of us can radically change our lives, we can only wish him luck.