If I have to use sudo, it's wrong.
This is the entire debian-official Tumblr, summed up in one photo.
- OpenRC just feels nice
- Runit is simple
- S6 is really fucking fast
- Some distros (e.g. Guix, Void, Gentoo) come with non-systemd init systems by default, but I use them for other reasons
As for why I sometimes use musl, I like BSD. Also, Alpine Linux uses it by default, and most glibc software I've tried works just fine with gcompat.
To be frank:
- Good idea in theory
- Ancaps and cryptobros ruined it for the rest of us
- Monero is okay
That's hilarious XD
Yeah. I heard about this on the radio, and my first thought was, "Oh shit, those suicide rates are going to skyrocket."
My second thought was "Should I throw a bucket of gravy over whoever's responsible, or should I come at them with a cricket bat?"
Some people will find this useful. Yes, we should really just abandon Twitter in all its forms, but there are legitimate reasons to view its content; and if there's a way of doing so without compromising our privacy, surely that's a good thing?
I wouldn't trust the Daily Mail as far as I can throw it. It's objectively the lowest quality, least factually correct, most sensationalist, and most extremely biased mainstream newspaper we have in the UK. Essentially the British equivalent of Fox News.