SMS/MMS do not count toward data usage here. They are free and unlimited.
Because SMS is inherently feature-lite. But it's free and unlimited, which is kind of the whole point of using it over a feature-rich app that uses data.
Did they check ferritin or just how much iron is in your blood?
When I was iron deficient from a medical issue, the initial blood tests showed "normal" iron levels. I had to advocate hard to get a ferritin test, because they weren't convinced that I "needed" it. But lo and behold, the results came back as being incredibly low. Supplementing made me feel much better almost immediately.
The joke is that it contains the letter E, which is banned on the instance.
No way, they stopped doing this? I haven't listened to Radio 1 for a week.
Wait, so the $2000 comes from being a land scalper? Hard no.
You're reading very far into my use of a word. I used it because its meaning is very applicable here. It's not "empty ideological language." It means something similar to "patriotic," though I didn't use that word because for some reason in the US patriotism is considered to be a good thing.
This user seems to think the US superior to all other countries. The word's definition certainly seems to apply:
Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism.
Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind.
They're asking because you're probably stuck in a media bubble based on the fact that you simply cannot read the opinions of people outside of the US's sphere of influence.
This is very chauvinistic.
In general, tires are a huge environmental problem. The heavier the vehicle, the more wear on its tires (and the roads in general.) As with half of the world's problems, it seems like the solution is more trains, and better trains. Both for freight and for transit. Getting heavy trucks and single-commuter cars off the roads helps with more than just GHG emissions at the tailpipe.
Number of fires is honestly a terrible metric: you could have 1000 fires the each the size of a backyard and it would sound worse than one fire the size of New Brunswick, but the latter is obviously worse.
Looking at the amount of area burned, this is the worst fire season on record so far.
I usually right click the window in the app bar and choose the "stay on top" option. This issue only happens in Wayland, also. in X11 it stays on top as expected.