'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century' so far...
You can pay to have less ad, but you're still also paying with your data. Bet pretty soon it will be pay and have ads, or pay more again. They have a captive market. They can extract and extract.
What we need is a Ministry for the Future without a killer heatwave killing millions.
Lots of core UNIX and Linux projects are. C++ is not liked by a lot of low level FOSS community. I think Rust is going to get further into these areas. I know C++ well but prefer C. I know plenty of others who feel the same.
Closed app by data mining company, of course they get all the data they can.
Putin will be paying. This helps him.
Fines = legal for a price.
Part of their issue is their desktop and x86 legacy apps ecosystem was no use on ARM touch devices.
But more competition than 2 would have been nice. We need stuff to move back to mobile web apps instead of apps. Then it's platform independence and the sandbox is interchangable.
The antifeature of DRM anyone? Wanting open source that you can keep running, up to date and secure, as long as you want?
Ah the internet of infected things. Everything a mash up of open and closed source, old and new, then abandoned by the manufacturer after a few years for the next shiny.
Probably Linux based, wait to be taken over by a few botnets...
What is needed is an open, standardized hardware platform. You should be about to flash on the IoT OS of your choice that will be kept up to date.
Everyone was knifing Flash. It had to go. It was a mess and hard to port or secure. I mean Adobe could have open sourced it and it could have got sorted, but HTML5 was chomping at the bit to replace it. Flash content is now slipping into the "digital darkage".
They should be standard protocols and you should be able to change server to competition. Be great if it was all open, but failing that, standards, competition and right to repair.