[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 5 months ago

I have always been suspicious of any "rights" movement among those with power. Whether it's "White rights," the "rights" of corporations, the rights of the property class and wealthy, or Men's Rights. It is not that such rights do not exist or that there are no grievances deserving of redress, it's that they too often are self-serving attempts to retain or increase power.

I am of the opinion that the vast majority of legitimate male grievance against society would be better addressed by bringing to heel the corporations, the wealthy, and those who seek political power for personal gain.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 6 months ago

What does multiculturalism have to do with anything? Multiculturalism is about acknowledging, accommodating, celebrating, and even drawing strength from the diversity of those who live here, no matter their heritage.

Immigration is about who gets to come here and how many. If we're actually letting too many in, then that is something to deal with, but it's completely separate from whether we celebrate what we have to offer each other.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 13 points 6 months ago

Here's the way I think about:

The real objective is, or should be, equality in all things that are not explicitly biological in nature and equitable treatment even in those. Thus, none of us should be excluded from the halls of power or anywhere else based on our biology even as things like health care are tailored to our biology.

That would seem to argue against a place called "men's liberation." The reality, however, is that we have only nicely begun the journey. Both men and women have much baggage to discard by virtue of both historical and current cultural and legal norms.

Those cultural and legal norms have imposed different behaviours, thought patterns, and roles. Men and women have different sets of baggage to deal with, so it only makes sense to find our allies in our journeys among those who share a common burden.

I am a male. I have rarely been excluded from women's liberation groups when I try to learn and have occasionally found that my perspective was appreciated. I would hope that the same thing is happening here.

I hope that we are all working toward a more equitable and more egalitarian society, but we won't get there by ignoring the real differences between men and women that have been imposed by culture and law. We cannot fix what we do not acknowledge.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 8 months ago

I wish them all the best, but I think that getting the desired status will just make for one more voice to ignore. We are masters of deafness when it comes to indigenous voices, especially when there might be profits at stake.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 13 points 8 months ago

And then we have the agricultural regions of Saskatchewan, where the only water that doesn't fall from the sky has to flow through Alberta first. So far, Alberta and Saskatchewan seem to have been mostly sharing the pain, but I can't help thinking that those days are coming to an end.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 13 points 8 months ago

Hey, don't you know that unmeasured = nonexistent? We're all just infants playing peek-a-boo.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 10 months ago

I was born during the baby boom era. I've concluded that "boomer" has long since lost its literal connection to "my" generation. It is now used as a metaphorical disparaging label that means "selfish and clueless because of age."

It's kind of like the trope of technologically clueless grandparents. At this point, the only grandparents who are technologically clueless are those with the same mindsets and experiences as all the GenX and Millenial people who are technologically clueless. And there is certainly no shortage of them.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 13 points 11 months ago

That is not my reading of the history. My understanding is that Manitoba came into existence as a result of peaceful Metis activism and was to be a Metis "homeland." The violence only started when the federal government realized that maybe wealth and power was flowing to the "wrong" people and took action to "correct" that, culminating in the Battle of Batoche, where Metis took their last stand against land theft and further displacement.

I'm an old white guy, but was raised to view the Metis and their leaders as heroes in the struggle against Ottawa's exercise of unjust control over the Prairie Provinces. I'm about as far from a Western Separatist as can be, but I firmly believe that Western Separatism is a continuation of that struggle, despite now excluding those who fought and died and, yes, killed during the earliest days of that struggle.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 11 months ago

You sound like some of the business people I know who seem to think that society owes them a business or that workers are their just deserts for having graced the community with their business idea.

I've been told for 50 years that I'm not owed a job, so I don't know why employers think they're owed the fruits of my labour.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 1 year ago

So it was working properly and now it's not? Sounds like a classic case of deploying to production before testing and verification. Edsby is taking responsibility, so it seems reasonable to think that they are not adhering to one of the fundamental rules for software development and deployment. What other shortcuts are they taking. No test suites? Not encrypted at rest? Not encrypted in transit? No authorization and authentication process? No access logs? This could well be the tip of the iceberg and should trigger an investigation that includes a third party aaudit of policies and procedures. At their expense, of course.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 12 points 1 year ago

Just a note that "Measles parties" are also likely to end badly.

[-] jadero@lemmy.ca 13 points 1 year ago

I had a very strange conversation a couple of years ago. It seems that some people think that math is used only as a tool to control the population or something.

We were talking about something that most people would consider pretty innocuous, catch and release fishing. I mentioned that I had recently read an article that claimed that mortality among released fish was still high enough that approximately every second released fish should be counted against your limit because of the percentage of released fish that die of catch-related causes.

That lit the other guy's hair on fire. "That's math! You can't seriously think that math is real? It's all made up!" (Or words to that effect. Mouth frothing removed to protect the innocent.)

Over the course of the rest of the conversation, I "learned" that math was invented as a tool of oppression. Science uses math to create fake knowledge. Our senses are the only true sources of knowledge.

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