Wow dude you’re so cool. I bet that made you feel so superior. Everyone on here thinks you are so badass.
According to the article it started with them insulting one of the girls due to appearance, then the girlfriend defended and followed the group. According to the group of guys the women got violent first but who knows who’s telling the truth.
Do you know how encryption works?
It’s more like a phone that slightly slower, or a phone that will randomly turn off. Pretty sure everyone would want the first.
I dislike the AI push as much as the next guy, but you are totally right. Pro-AI comments don’t do well around these parts. It’s crazy that people are denying it.
Not sure how accurate this would be as charging is not 100% efficient. Also the amount of power the phone uses while charging would have to be taken into account as well.
As much as I hate it, no, it won’t make a difference. Netflix did this and it gave them a record number of subscribers. Seems like for every 1 that cancels 2 more subscribe.
This has gotta be peak ATBGE right??
You can literally run anything you want on MacOS
Go into any technology thread that mentions Apple in the title and you’ll see that’s not the case. It’s rare to find a comment that uses actual facts, mostly just opinions of people who have never used an Apple product complaining that they suck.
The don’t advertise any apps as free. Apps that are free to download say “Get”. Nowhere does it say free. Before you get the app you can see if there are subscriptions as well.
Income is taxed, yes.