While Biden did misstate China’s GDP growth rate, he is right that China’s economy faces serious challenge that is unseen in at least 20 years. The official youth unemployment rate is 21.3%, and the actual rate might be as high as 46.5%.
Millions of kids are missing weeks of school as attendance tanks across the US
ProPublica is easily the best U.S. news source I’ve ever seen.
Death toll is at least 36 now
I grew up in Beijing but live in the U.S. now. This is not the worst flood in the city’s modern history (the one in 2012 killed ~80 people), but my impression is that this time (coupled with the rare heat wave several weeks ago) it’s really a wake-up call for Beijingers on climate change. I’ve heard people saying “scientists were warning about climate change as early as the 1990s, but this is the first time when the effect is right in front of our eyes.”
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