[-] jonne@infosec.pub 5 points 4 days ago

Neither do any of the western countries that continue to provide them with the weapons to do this (some countries excepted).

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 10 points 4 days ago

Yeah, whatever green energy shit they did was just PR. Basically telling governments they were working on pivoting away from fossil fuels, so no reason to regulate them or anything.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 7 points 4 days ago

If the CEO is Musk, I'd take as many managers between him and me as I can.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 11 points 4 days ago

Yeah, looks like a Eastern European Prime Minister or something.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 8 points 5 days ago

She should be careful throwing her weight around like that, might lose her balance again.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Stablecoins excluded, obviously.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 38 points 5 days ago

Those are definitely caused by birds /s.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 0 points 6 days ago

I guess if you follow the logic that the death penalty is the only deterrent that works, as opposed to just life on prison, Biden just told people that they can crime all they want, you won't get the death penalty.

This is obviously bullshit, but that's the thinking behind the statement.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 16 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I think OP is asking for moral consistency.

Commuting sentences for people on death row is all well and good (yet it's problematic if you're still making exceptions within that cohort), but if you're enabling a genocidal campaign that includes bombing hospitals and starving children on the other hand it's kind of weird to find a consistent line in the thinking of this President.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 222 points 1 month ago

Elon's maternal grandparents relocated from Canada to South Africa in the early 1900s as they knew the Afrikaner government was a stronghold of support for Nazism outside of Germany.

Man, how is this something you just share in an interview as if it's just a nice piece of family history.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 163 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yeah, good point. A judge signed a warrant on just 'this place uses more electricity than others'? The court system's just a rubber stamp at this stage.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 191 points 4 months ago

He supports criminalising people of the 'wrong' gender using the wrong bathroom.

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