Easiest way of doing that is firefox reading mode , it takes one click and can bypass most if not all paywalls !
Now imagine people holding hate speech conferences where they gather and talk about cleaning the population (a dogwhistle to genocide) I wonder if that is ok ! And the riots that happen coz of the radicalised masses ?
That way yall can let nazi shit going and call it freedom of speech , murder is also freedom of expression in a way then ?
Quite sure google will go aheah and implement it anyway !!
I did my taxes this year and now I am not sure if they were done fine or not ugh !
Tbh i started using florisboard coz i found word suggestions on google board very scary , it felt like they been tapping each word typed by me ! Florisboard is nicely customizable , although auto correct would be a nice feature to have !
Well yes , the govt means govt of respective country / states , although they are so similar that I dont want to name specific country !
You can use liftoff , it allows you to login with all your accounts and see all posts !