Except that has been already proven false. Times of Israel, seriously?
A fact you might not like is that Americans don't need any other country to get angry at each other. Having tons of guns might described as being angry or ready to be angry and you don't need any external influence. It might be easier to accept the problems and try to work on them than blaming everyone except yourself. That feels really narcisistic. Of course China and Russia do have propaganda agencies, the same way usa produces a lot of propaganda directed to european citizens.
Sincerely with rocket launches now being a daily thing i'm not very worried by that burning lumber.
Luis Rubiales is an overall disgusting person
It may be unpopular depending on country but i can assure you in my circle most people would agree.
You're talking about one high speed rail like that was a divine revelation but in first world countries we call it building infrastructure
The techie guys are also the ones with verified Twitter accounts and Elon Musk balls on their mouths in my experience so i can't say i'm surprised if they deleted your post :/
The video shows an attack in the middle of a city, or are you trying to convince me that everybody on the street was military related? Also, i don't trust at all any source from Russia nor Ukraine. War is half about fighting and half about propaganda.Or have people already forgotten all the bullshit both governments have told? I got ultra downvoted back in Reddit for telling the Ghost of Kyiv was a propaganda exercise, and as it turns out...
Maybe Fox news public and Fentanyl addicts have more in common than I tought but for a moment was like watching a documentary about the opioid crysis.
I use it every day so for me is still a big must have. I also use it for 8 hours straight at work