I don't use Telegram but they don't enable encryption by default? Last time I used Telegram I needed a phone number still, so, I'd say Signal has always been on top.
Why Ubuntu? Just use Debian.
I never felt the same buzz after my first cigarette, it felt like I was fucking drunk after my first smoke lol.
After that I was basically just chasing the dragon, I was smoking about 15-30 cigarettes a day for about 1-2 years. Never again.
Currently browsing from my Libreboot X60T with Debian GNU/Linux-libre and OpenRC
Don't they store your data?
Maybe this is just me but I used to LOVE fast food, my fat ass would DoorDash Dairy Queen almost everyday during the pandemic. Ended up gaining 50lbs after I had just reached my goal for losing 100lbs-120lbs. I'm 210 now but I miss being around 170. (used to be 300 a couple years ago)
I can say now that I don't eat fast food or Doordash anymore mostly because I feel like I'm eating micro plastic fake meat (may not be entirely true but maybe you know what I mean)
In an online world filled with a plethora of mods, from artistic to bizarre, it's intriguing that the focus narrows down so sharply on one. The concept of a 'dumb meme mod' being powerful enough to tarnish the reputation of an entire platform is a strong statement about the perceived fragility of said platform. Also, the idea that users need to be 'shielded' from something they can just scroll past underscores a lack of trust in the user community to make their own informed choices. Surely, the platform can weather the storm of a singular, controversial mod without undermining its integrity.
Basically one of the only reasons I played Bethesda games LMAO
Field technicians.
What happens if there is no one around to tell us all about god? Do we all just goto hell because we didn't worship him? What if we didn't know god existed?