[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It seems to me you have more of an issue with the concept of the draft

I do have an issue with killing people (because that's what draft is - you force somebody to go war, where they die) who done you no harm, indeed.

Some people are pacifists and radically opposed to any type of armed conflict

I'm not and I don't really care about what other people do to each other, as long as both parties consent, they are free to wound, murder, rape and do whatever else to each other - "whatever makes your boat float" or something..

But there are valid arguments for the draft too, so you can’t just write them off by painting Zelenski into some type of tyrannical despot.

Is there something one can't provide a valid argument for?
For one, slavery is extremely good for the economy, if we enslave all the black people (or anybody else, black is here just to make a point) we can have lots of goods and services for fraction of the cost for example, we will solve the unaffordable housing very quickly and many other problems, wouldn't you agree?
And yet, I guess, if somebody does that - people will probably argue that that person is a tyrannical despot or something?
Zelensky effectively enslaved the Ukraine, where people are forced to do what he says, can't leave, and so on, and yet I wrong to say he is a tyrannical despot?

The country is already in the midst of a full fledged war and elections don’t typically occur in time of war.

I am not too well-versed to really argue that point, but quick googling "are elections held during wartime" paints a mixed picture really, and says that at least in case of US it did hold elections during wars.

If your thesis is ...

My point is a little bit different than simple "draft is not okay" (although that is definitely included) - people in the west are thinking that by helping the Ukrainian government they are helping Ukrainians to survive, and I am trying to tell people that it is exactly the opposite, and by supporting our government, they are only contributing to more of us dying and suffering (and so, I consider them directly responsible for all the deaths), as simple as that.
I'm having a problem with this narration of "helping".
If the narration was honest, like "let's support Zelensky's regime and supply him with weapons, because we want to harm Russia no matter the cost and no matter how many Ukrainians die" then it'd be a different conversation, but it isn't.
So, I guess, my point is trying to make people admit that this ^ is the case, and not "but we are helping Ukrainians and you are a russian bot!" 🤷‍♂️.
Thanks for the advice tho, I suppose you are right that I should be more precise when articulating a position.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

When the left punishes you

When the left punishes you (without them even admitting or realizing it), your country is getting turned into a mass prison and your family, your friends, and you are then slaughtered in a war, all to the applause of the left, praising your dictatorial government for being heroes.
And then, when you try to show people what's happening in your own country, the atrocities your own government is committing upon you, the left tries to silence you until you get slaughtered, or until it becomes irrelevant and everybody moves on and forgets about it.
That's how the left punishes you.

At least with a loss of opportunities, you still have your life and other guaranteed freedoms to find a different opportunity.

Please tell me, and every other Ukrainian, how our life and "other guaranteed freedoms" is going? How we are able to leave the country if we want to, how we are not kidnapped from the streets (and soon will be from our homes) and sent to die? Please tell me more about it.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 7 months ago

Yeah, so that's exactly what I'm talking about, just insults and complete lack of ability to have a normal discussion :(

So, if you have not moved on yet (if you have and/or are not willing to continue the conversation - please still think about it, it's important for self-improvement) - I have just one question for you. In theory, if you were believing in something that is not actually true (of course this is impossible, as you are clearly intelligently superior than me and your every belief is correct, but let's pretend otherwise just for the sake of a thought experiment), how would you expect to learn the truth, if you refrain from engaging in a civilized argument and call people that disagree with you trash and fascists? For example, if you lived a few centuries ago, and believed that Earth is flat (which is a normal thing to believe at that time btw, because that was the consensus of the majority) and you called everybody who says it's round a fascist (at that time it would rather be heretic, but it doesn't matter), how do you imagine a scenario where you learn the truth? Or are you saying that you don't care about learning the truth?

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 7 months ago

Because you can only implement universal healthcare through violence/theft. Doctors need a motivation to work, right? So you either

  • Force people to pay tax under threat of violence or find some other way to steal money.
  • Force doctors to work under threat of violence.
[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

There's nothing I can say to arguing that "killing Ukrainians is okay because they are killed 'for the greater good of stopping a miniHitler'" as well. I don't find it morally correct to kill people that done nothing wrong.

And also,

“31,000 killed, 7,000–8,000 missing”

Is lower than even Ukrainian propaganda is saying, it's twice that number for the first year of war (US estimate), so about 4 times that number as of now, by US estimate.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

All the people in russian occupied territories weren’t given a choice. russia occupied and that’s that. Regardless of people’s wills.

That's a fair argument.
But comparing that (simply living under a different government, which is actually extremely similar to the old one) with killing people is not fair.

So if the people are pro russia sure, those people won’t mind. But if they’re pro Ukraine? What happens to those people?

I don't know, what happens?
They have a choice to do as they please - they can sell their real estate (if they have any, if they don't then it is even less of a problem) and move to unoccupied Ukraine territories (although it would be a very weird choice, because there they would be trapped, and wouldn't be able to go back, so this is a one way trip...), or they can continue living on the occupied territories like many have done.

What happens to those people? And what happens in a few years when russian forces will have regrouped and they’ll have enough ammo and weapons to attack again? Because history shows they’ll attack again…every few years they take more land. Should everyone from Ukraine just move somewhere else and leave the land for russia to avoid bloodshed? Then maybe Poland and Moldova should do the same, because russia will want that land too. Maybe we should all just become the russian federation

This is a speculation of what will happen, and unfortunately I've lost my crystal ball so it's not possible for me to confirm whether you are right or wrong.
As for regrouping of the forces... I believe that neither of us is a military expert (let me know if I am wrong), so in my opinion it is Ukraine that needs regrouping (even the western media seems to be predicting their fall now, but of course I can be wrong there), in your opinion it might be the other way around, it's hard to debate on that.

And of course all of this is on Zelensky because he’s the one that attacked. It’s all because of him.

Please point me to the message where I said that?
The causes for the war is a whole another dimension to discuss, that would include a "war" against Russian language in Ukraine (when it is the language spoken by half of the population, give or take, and that was considered being set as second official language), the glorification of Bandera (you can look up his deeds during WW2, Poles love that guy), and lots of other stuff, but as I said it's a different topic to discuss.
Russia indeed is the one that attacked Ukraine and I've never said otherwise.

That fucking Zelensky… Fuck him for standing up to russia

Indeed fucking Zelensky. Not for standing up to Russia though, but for murdering other people to achieve his political / ideological goals. If he wouldn't kidnap people and treat them worse then dogs, I would support him (at least to some extent - as I said previously I believe that in case of Crimea and Donbas it was the will of the people to join Russia, but I don't think it was the case with the other annexed territories), and possibly even donate. But in the current situation - supporting him is equivalent to supporting killing of my friends, family and every other Ukrainian still trapped there. How can I do that? Other people would support him as well. But for now, don't you think that it is absolutely logical for Ukrainians who dare to want to live - to actually support Russia? It is in our interest for Russia to win, because this is the scenario where we get to live, and in the other scenario we die. This is why I (and many other people, it's just that you won't hear that in western media, because that is not the current narration. Surprisingly, you might actually start hearing more about that, because now even some of my very pro-Zelensky friends started to wake up as well. Unsurprisingly this happened because now it started to affect them as well, it was okay for them when it was other people's problem) hate Zelensky - he makes it impossible for us to support our own fucking country, supporting the invader is the only logical choice if you throw emotions out of it.

and trying to steer the country towards the EU and NATO, right?

In the last negotiations before Zelensky had forbidden negotiations with Russia, it was agreed that Russia doesn't mind Ukraine joining EU.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

running away from draft = they had a choice. No, if they had been given a choice they would’ve stayed home.

They have SOME choice. Ukrainians have none.

Unlike all the Ukrainians that were forced to flee from the invaders.

They CANNOT (at least legally) flee from the invaders. They are locked in a west-sponsored prison called "Ukraine".

russians in Europe= they have a choice. Ukrainians in Europe = what?

Russians in Europe = they bought a ticket, boarded a plane and landed in Europe. As simple as that.
Ukrainians in Europe = they either

  • gave a HUGE bribe to get out (it's reported that right now it's about 25k dollars btw, this is the price of a life of a Ukrainians in case somebody was wondering), and got lucky that it actually worked, because often even giving a bribe doesn't get you out of this prison
  • managed to cross a border through a wild territory and did not get caught by "heroes" guarding it from either side (I've heard that thousands of people have died trying to do so, but I do not have a source for that)
  • happened to be on occupied territories (either because they stayed, or managed to convince authorities that they live there / have a family there / need to go there for some other reason), and simply went to Russia (you know, that monster machine that wants to kill and enslave all Ukrainians, as opposed to west that tries to save them) and then simply went wherever they wanted (some of my family successfully did that).
  • simply were already there before the war started (that's me)
  • belong to a category that is not (yet! there are more and more talks that everybody should be imprisoned, and just according to Russian propaganda they should "fight till that last Ukrainian") imprisoned, e.g. women, men under 18, those having 3 children or more, etc.

So - yes exactly, just like I said, people on the territories controlled by Russia have a choice, on territories controlled by Ukraine - they are imprisoned.

I only bring up lies

That is quite funny, because I'm constantly being accused of that, yet nobody even pointed out what exactly I lie about let alone disproving those lies.. Weird, don't you think?..

Also nice dodging of everything else I’ve said

What exactly would you like me to respond to? It's mostly Ad Hominem about me being stupid, or the usual western "you have different opinion than me so you must be a Russian bot / paid by Russia", I don't think it makes sense to respond to that.

Everything Russia does is fine

I've never said that, if that's what you want me to respond to.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

And let’s not pretend that all the Russians that have suddenly showed up in western countries aren’t running away from getting drafted

Thank you for proving my point! Yes, you are right, they are running away from getting draft.
Because they can! They have a choice! Ukrainians don't. Ukrainians are trapped in Ukraine and slowly getting butchered thanks to the support from your government.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

Answered another one of your comment, but I'll reiterate it here as well - the ones that are killing Ukrainians are Zelensky and his regime supported by the west, by "sending against their will into war".
If not for that, those people would live, so their blood is on your hands.

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

The only ones conducting a genocide on Ukrainians are the Russians.

Nope, it's Zelensky thanks to the support from the west. The only ones that can be considered killed by Russians are killed civilians and volunteers (those two groups together are barely a meaningful number). People who are kidnapped on the streets and sent to army are dead thanks to Zelensky and your (rather your government) support of him. If it were not for that, they would be alive (or at least they would have a much higher chance to be alive). If you are going to deny that, please take an effort to argument your position, as it is quite tiring to speak to a wall :/

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

Sure, everybody who disagrees with your opinion is getting paid

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 8 months ago

They are smart and will not destroy the power plant. This is undeniable fact.

This is not a fact, this is an opinion.

Feel free to block me now :)

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