[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)


Now, I answered your question, would you please be so kind to answer mine now, which is also quite simple?

If there are two men, man A is simply operating a meat grinder while man B kidnaps people from the streets (soon he will start breaking into people's homes as well), forcefully pushes them into the meat grinder, and watches to make sure they can't get out of it, he also makes sure nobody leaves the city so that he can continue his game, who do you blame more for deaths of people in the meat grinder?

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -4 points 7 months ago

Oh well, prepare for the downvotes now, I guess..

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -4 points 7 months ago

So, most of the fediverse instances don't deserve attention is the fediverse? That's an interesting take :)

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Yeah, that's true!
And then anyone can point out (and of course quote the exact text I've said without ripping it out of context and/or rephrasing it in their own words) which of the things I said makes me fascist :)
For some unknown (although deducible..) reason nobody has done that so far though, everyone prefers ad hominem attacks.. Hm.. It's almost like actual by-definition fascists call me fascist just to make me look bad but have no arguments to support their claims.. Weird, we all know the intellectuals of lemmy would be never do that :)

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago

If I come into your house and claim the kitchen as my own because it used to be mine 50 years ago

Do you really not see the irony? Not even the smallest bit? Holy shit...

You can't claim my kitchen because it was your 50 years ago, but Ukraine can claim Crimea because it used to be theirs 10 years ago?
So the period where you can claim something as your because it belonged to you some time ago is greater than 10 years but smaller than 50 years, is that right?
Okay I actually know the answer to that question - it's "whatever USA says it is" (rephrased to something like international agreements or UN stuff), sure.

Anyway, this is offtopic. Calling each other terrorists (yeah Russia does that as well) is as counter-productive as it gets, but let's discuss it anyway.
Definition (from wikipedia, not mine!):

Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants. There are various different definitions of terrorism, with no universal agreement about it.

Regime of zelensky uses violence (in the form of kidnapping people on the streets and sending them to the meat grinder) and fear (people fear to go outside because they can be kidnapped at any time, fear for themselves and for their family) to achieve political aims of conquering territories (you can read it as "reclaiming", does not matter).
So isn't it the west that shouldn't be negotiating with zelensky and instead sending military aid to Russia to deal with terrorists as soon as possible?

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago

Yes why do you support these guys?

I support neither Russia nor Ukraine.

And why do you hate the Free World?

Because the Free World is currently conducting a genocide on Ukrainians

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago

almost all russian language media throughout the world is monitored and controlled by the russian government

I am sure you have very credible sources for this conspiracy theory, because as opposed to those stupid Russians, you know English and are capable of critical thinking, so this isn't just something you've heard from totally different and very honest media and accepted to be true, so would you be so kind to share them?

If the only language you know is russian, it’s very hard to get unbiased information

Definitely, after all, it's a known fact that the most popular western social platforms such as Reddit, Facebook, Discord, Instagram and previously Twitter are very open and never ban people for speaking out things that don't agree with the current narration, as opposed to Telegram for example (where a lot of russian-speaking people communicate and get their news from), which is known to ban people based on politics. Or wait, is it actually the other way around?...

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

With Russia, it’s either you support it or straight to jail

With Ukraine it's the same.

few Russians have the balls to stand up en masse let alone leave the country

Ukrainians don't even have the options of leaving the country, they are imprisoned by the government, with the support from the USA. And almost nobody is talking about that let alone condemning it. After all, it's bad and is a violation of human rights only when countries USA doesn't like (North Korea, etc.) do it, doing it with approval of USA is totally okay and humane! Right?

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

So, are you saying that Ukraine is not bombing the territories occupied by Russia?
And how do you define an "enemy territory"? Because from my definition of "enemy territory", any territory occupied by your enemy, territory on which it resides and controls is "enemy territory"...

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago

Yes, I did. What part of my comment makes you think otherwise?

[-] lltnskyc@monero.town -3 points 8 months ago

What exactly did I read the wrong way 'round?

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