He killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial.
He died in 2019 while awaiting trial.
He killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial.
He died in 2019 while awaiting trial.
I'm assuming all those free-speech nuts are really going after Musk for doing this right?
I'm joking, we all know it's just free-speech for the things they agree with ...
Yeah! Fear mongering like repealing Roe V Wade, it's NEVER gonna happen guys! /s
I can't watch this video. I know the topic and it's just too depressing. It's like a survival mechanism to me to avoid this type of content.
"some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses"
Crypto being used for scams? Say it ain't so!
I found sitting posture and ergonomics always weird. I was always thinking that nobody can sit like that for a long time.
I think the most recent recommendations are to swap your seating position every now and again to not keep load on any single part for too long and to take frequent breaks to walk around.
Just do a while loop and subtract 2 if it's positive or plus 2 is it's negative until it reaches 1 or 0 and that's how you know, easy! /s
This isn't necessarily a Trump thing. The Republicans passed around tire gauges that said "Obama's foreign policy". This was after a townhall where someone asked Obama what an individual can do to help with dependency on oil. Obama said that making sure your tires are inflated to the recommended level can save on wasted gas.
Goddamned children.
CEOs need to take pay cuts. They earn too much and don't provide enough value for their pay.
native American? new mother?
Yeah I didn't understand passkeys. I'm like why is my browser asking to store them? What if I'm using another browser? Why is my password manager fighting with my browser on where to store this passkey?
I felt so uneasy.
So I decided not to use passkeys for now until I understood what's going on.