Hanlon's razor does not apply when politics are involved. Especially with Russia, since we know their military is full of murderous assholes.
Probably mistook it for a military plane and didn't bother to confirm, same as with MH17.
So a From Software DLC, basically?
Also not a squash.
You know who I think shouldn't be allowed to run? The guy who tried to stage a coup.
What even is the point of having separate categories of prescription and OTC drugs if there's nothing stopping unapproved drugs from being sold over the counter?
Can we at least agree that people should never be homeless? No?
Can we at least agree that disabled people should never be homeless? Still no?
How about veterans? Once again no.
Disabled veterans with children? Believe it or not, also no.
Anything that makes her mad is probably a good thing.
But if this community community isn't flooded with tech business articles, where are people going to post insightful comments like "fuck Google" and "switch to Firefox"?
Signs like that wouldn't be necessary if we weren't living in a hypercapitalist dystopia.
The headline and a lot of the article are trying to give the impression Google is screwing customers out of what they paid for even though the article itself admits they're still going to honor the deal for existing customers. They just won't be extending contracts or writing new ones. Seems like the author is trying really hard to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Google Maps was life-changing.