Competition leads to monopoly which leads to imperialism or something, I never read Lenin
Was darf Satire?
But not for bananas?
If nothing here makes sense then neither does your comment. Checkmate atheist
And its only gatekeeping of you have a physical gate
the systems that have allowed for the oligarchy to take it all over
They didn't take it over, they created it. The lack of democratic influence isn't a bug, it's a feature. They have been laying to you all your life!
That's something different. False cognates are words that look related even tho they are not and often have a similar meaning that makes it look even harder to be related. False friends often are related but have a very different meaning. Like the German word "eventuell" meaning "maybe" which is very bad if you use it wrong. Unlike the false cognate "emoji" meaning "picture sign" and – etymologically speaking – having nothing to do with emoticon despite its similar meaning. Which is more a linguistic fun fact than any problem for learners.
2001 war unser Jahr, niemals vergessen und niemals ohne Kontext zitieren
An den Spruch musste ich mal denken, als ich Deutsch an Geflüchtete unterrichtet habe und ein Inder gesagt hat, wie sehr er Deutschland liebt. Ich dachte mir, ich bin raus aber er kann bleiben
"Which propaganda?"
"Exactly what I'm talking about!"
You seriously think it's on reddit or Twitter???
Just kidding, join your local protest and mutual aid group! See you on the street!