[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I doubt they'd have to retire the phone - digital radio power levels are normally pretty easy to change in the radio firmware. Which also means it's pretty easy to change, intentionally or unintentionally, in a later OS version.

Perhaps Apple chose to cheat to improve reception after mandatory testing was complete and the phone was available to buy, figuring they'd never get caught out. Perhaps Apple didn't retest with later OS versions and it was unintentional. We will probably never know.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you're on-call 24/7/365 without a break, and it's not because you have equity in the company, then find a new job.

If you don't, then your health (physical and mental) will eventually force you to leave anyway. I did it at a startup where I was employee #1 (no equity for me), just me and the founders, and I nearly had a nervous breakdown from it, and ended up quitting from stress. Afterwards I decided I would do no more than 1 week in 3, and life got better after that.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What? Tech companies the world over have people on 24/7 on-call rotas, and it's usually voluntary.

Depending on the company, you might typically do 1 week in 4 on-call, get a nice little retainer bonus for having to have not much of a social life for 1 week in 4, and then get an additional payment for each call you take, plus time worked at x1.5 or x2 the usual rate, plus time off in lieu during the normal workday if the call out takes a long time. If you do on-call for tech and the conditions are worse than this, then your company's on-call policies suck.

I used to do it regularly. Over the years, it paid for the deposit on my first house, plus some nice trips abroad. I enjoyed it - I get a buzz out of being in the middle of a crisis and fixing it. But eventually my family got bored of it, and I got more senior jobs where it wasn't considered a good use of my energies.

Your internet connection, the websites and apps you use, your utilities - they don't fix themselves when they break at 0300.

If TSMC's approach to on-call is bad, then yeah, screw that. I don't see anything in the article that says that one way or the other. But doing an on-call rota at all is a perfectly normal thing to do in tech.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 59 points 1 year ago

Do we have to bring this up again? It's just boring.

systemd is here and it isn't going anywhere soon. It's an improvement over SysV, but the core init system is arguably less well-designed than some of the other options that were on the table 10 years ago when its adoption started. The systemd userspace ecosystem has significantly stifled development of alternatives that provide equivalent functionality, which has led to less experimentation and innovation in those areas. In many cases those systemd add-on services provide less functionality than what they have replaced, but are adopted simply because they are part of the systemd ecosystem. The core unit file format is verbose and somewhat awkward, and the *ctl utilities are messy and sometimes unfriendly.

Like most Red Hat-originated software written in the last 15 years, it valiantly attempts to solve real problems with Linux, and mostly achieves that, but there are enough corner cases and short-sighted design decisions that it ends up being mediocre and somewhat annoying.

Personally I hope that someone comes along and takes the lessons learned and rewrites it, much like Pulseaudio has been replaced by Pipewire. Perhaps if someone decides it needs rewriting in Rust?

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Russians in positions of power have frequently said that Ukraine is an aberration, and doesn't actually exist at all as a national identity. So any Ukrainian symbol is an act of resistance to that.

Why use that particular flag? Well, why does anyone do any trolling? Because it feels good getting an emotional reaction out of other people. Because it feels good sticking it to those people who want you dead, or assimilated.

But also because it helps to figure out who isn't a fan of the concept of Ukrainian statehood. If the initial reaction towards a Ukrainian nationalist flag is that it's "Nazi" then that's a pretty strong signal.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

It's worked though, hasn't it? No one with half a gram of understanding of modern Ukraine thinks it's Nazi - nationalist, yes, but not Nazi - and yet there are several accounts on the thread who have taken that bait.

Finding Nazis everywhere is paranoia, and demeans the experience of the millions who suffered and died because of actual Nazis.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

I'm a big fan of Kubernetes, and for larger projects the flexibility and power it brings is unrivalled. But for smaller projects, assuming equal levels of competence, delivery teams using managed Kubernetes are almost universally later and have more issues than teams that use simpler solutions. Container-as-a-service solutions like GCP CloudRun or AWS FarGate help somewhat, but are not cheap for a given amount of compute time.

Terraform (or IaC in general) absolutely has a place, because even if you use Kubernetes, most projects have more infrastructure to manage than just the cluster - at the very least, lemmy.world has a CloudFlare proxy to manage - and clicking buttons in a management portal is not a repeatable way of deploying that, or deploying the Kubernetes clusters themselves.

Ansible also has a place, particularly if you're deploying onto bare metal. I wouldn't use it for new deployments unless I had bare metal to configure and maintain, but lemmy.world is deployed onto a bare metal server as I understand it. Plus, the most effective tooling is generally the one your team understands.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

"V for Victory" is Nazi too, right? Think about how the occupied French must have felt when they heard that on the BBC, after all the Frenchmen killed by those English longbow archers.

Meanings evolve.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

Sure. I'm sure Trinidad and Tobago, and Albania, are definitely Nazis. And those anarchists with their black and red flags, they're definitely Nazis too, right?

Seriously though, in this case, it's the unofficial war flag of Ukraine.

It was originally associated with the WWII nationalist Banderite movement, which has some dubious history but is important in the 20th century story of Ukrainian nationalism. However its usage has evolved and is used widely, albeit unofficially, in modern Ukraine, by lots of military-associated groups who have nothing to do with Nazis or fascism.

One of the main selling points of it is that it trolls people who uncritically believe that Ukraine is run by Nazis.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

I can only imagine they're shutting it down to replace it with something with different branding, based on an LLM. Microsoft has gone all-in on LLMs and I'm sure they'd love some of that virtual assistant action if they were able to differentiate themselves.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If we hypothetically assume this is true for a moment, then consider:

  1. No SAMs would have been fired if there were no Russian missiles attacking Odesa, and thus indirectly it's still Russia's fault.

  2. The Russian-designed and manufactured S-300 (and presumably the closely-related S-400) are dangerous to use over populated areas if they have no working safe abort or engagement minimums safety features, therefore they are even more dogshit than we thought they were. So, Russia is still at fault here for supplying unsafe SAMs, and no-one should buy any Russian SAMs in future if they care at all about their civilian population. If we assume that the anonymous Twitter source is indeed correct, then this is probably why Russia isn't saying anything about it.

I'm sure once the war is over we'll get some proper analysis from people with actual warhead ballistics knowledge though, and not just some anonymous propaganda.

[-] marmarama@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Nice to see Google doing the responsible thing here, because Apple certainly didn't when AirTags were launched.

I still think having cheap, socially acceptable, easily-accessible, highly effective tracking devices with months or more of battery life is something out of dystopian fiction though. It's not good for society in the long run.

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