submitted 1 year ago by munter@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Da ist Google Translate wohl etwas zu förmlich unterwegs -> "What is the expected frequency of your future video posts" führt zu diesem Kunstwerk. Aber ehrlich gesagt klingt das selbst im Englischen so bescheuert unauthentisch, dass ich mir schwer vorstellen kann, wie dadurch Interaktionen in die Höhe schießen.

(Ich hoffe, ich bin mit dem Profilbild nicht zu nah am NSFW-Verbot.)

[-] munter@feddit.de 23 points 1 year ago

Hier der Link zum Bericht des EU Tax Observatory, der im Artikel besprochen wird: https://www.taxobservatory.eu/publication/global-tax-evasion-report-2024/

Und ganz am Rande: Ich merke, dass es mir so langsam auf den Keks geht, dass man im Oktober 2023 seinen Bericht schon als 2024er-bericht titulieren muss, um langfristig Relevanz zu suggerieren. Meine NGO macht diese Dinge aus denselben Gründen und mir fällt auch keine Lösung ein, aber was Hartmut Rosa wohl dazu sagen würde...

[-] munter@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

China has risen way less in terms of GDP per capita, even using power purchasing parity estimates. Japan is at 52k $, China only at 23k (Wikipedia).

I cannot ultimately judge this but the common wisdom about the Chinese social contract seems to be that the citizens get comparatively high economic security for comparatively low civil liberties. And while China's pro-poor growth has certainly been more than impressive historically, I am not sure that the comparatively still low incomes especially in the inner parts of China are sufficient to maintain this social contract if growth does really slow down significantly.

Edit: I agree in general though that the state of Japan is probably not be as bad as it is made out to be in the article.

[-] munter@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago

Hat nur so halb was hiermit zu tun, aber mir war selten jemand so unsympathisch nach einem Interview wie Schreiner nach ihrem Auftritt im FAZ Podcast für Deutschland mit ihrem wiesligen Politiker-Ausweichen.

[-] munter@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago

Sound great! Being gently touched in the face always feels wonderful, I think, no matter whether in a romantic or a non-romantic setting like yours. Scratches the itch for intimacy with another being.

[-] munter@feddit.de 8 points 1 year ago

I played my first official league game of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and it was a great experience. Not professional gaming or anything, just hobby gaming in the lowest league. But I always wanted to do that and finally found a group of nice people to do it with.

[-] munter@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Really fitting news for sh.itjust.works. Or not.

[-] munter@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure you are arguing in good faith because you seem to construct some strawmen there, like claiming I was only judging one side while I clearly called the draftee a "stupid asshole" and didn't even judge the original commenter's character but just said his wording was bad.

Anyhow, to the general point: I think it is almost always the wrong take to call out the little guys. Which country hasn't committed atrocities at some point? Is every US-American who didn't do everything to prevent the war in Afghanistan a maggot? Every Chinese who did not revolt because of Tiananmen? And yes, every German who did not die fighting Hitler? I think, no. The ones that did might be heroes, but I think those that did not are definitely not all "maggots" but just normal folks who didn't know what was going on, were afraid for themselves and their loved ones and so on. Which seems pretty human to me.

If you answer yes to the questions above, that is probably a defensible position, but I think the mindset that 95% of your fellow humans are potential maggots rather than just humans that have their weaknesses, like you and I probably do as well, is not very healthy. To me, it is mostly only the people in powerful positions who are pressuring 'their' people into committing atrocities who are the maggots. And yes, that would include Putin.

And lastly, to the concrete case: The guy did leave Russia and is not fighting anymore, so he might be a particularly bad example for you. I guess he mainly did it to save himself but from the article it does seem to me that his opposition to the war is at least a partial motivation as well. To use your line of argument: I think one should rather focus criticism on the political apparatus and the men on the front who are ardent supporters of the war rather than this guy.

[-] munter@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

There is still a line between criticizing someone for being an asshole and dehumanizing them.

From reading the article it seems pretty clear to me that this guy is not a "maggot" but an idiot and someone who puts his own well-being over some principles that might be somewhere in the back of his head. So yeah, maybe a stupid asshole but probably not much more than many other people in any given society.

[-] munter@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

Toller Artikel zu einem Thema, mit dem ich mich nie auseinandergesetzt habe. Dafür bin ich hier, danke!

TL;DR: Die ersten 37% ablehnen, um den Durchschnitt/eine vernünftigerweise zu erwartende Topqualität abschätzen zu können, und danach die erste Bewerberin nehmen, die besser geeignet als alle vorherigen ist.

[-] munter@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Yes! For some reasons it is very hard to find, even through the search feature, but https://kbin.social/m/mma is where it's at. They even have active discussion threads for the big events like r/mma did.

[-] munter@feddit.de 26 points 1 year ago

Danke, genau das. Das selbst bewohnte Eigenheim ist schon längst steuerfrei und darüber hinaus gelten großzügige Freibeträge. Die Probleme bei der Erbschaftsteuer liegen vor allem ganz oben. Erbschaften und Schenkungen über 20 Millionen Euro werden durchschnittlich mit dem geringsten Satz aller Erwerbe besteuert, also auch geringer als die nicht selbst-bewohnten Eigenheime über der Freibetragsschwelle. Das scheint mir ein kleines bisschen problematischer zu sein...

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