@Magister @WhiteOakBayou There are a lot of things to like about MX, nice interface, I really like that you can boot up using either systemd or sys-V, since systemd tends to be a lot faster but also tends to break it makes it really nice to have a sys-v fallback when things do break. Support has been excellent, I've yet to have it take them more than three days to fix anything broken I've reported, contrast that with Ubuntu where if it happens within the next three major releases you're doing good.
@troyunrau KDE wastes too much screen space and too much of my time. It's pretty but inefficient.
@troyunrau Ok did try, delete + center button mouse click does remove the file however since the only delete on my keyboard is right side and I'm right handed handed and and thus also use the mouse right hand, not terribly useful.
@troyunrau In mate it's a drop down menu not a key.
@yogthos Trumps past record suggests not. The real question is what the outcome will be. I do expect if he is elected, we will see negotiated outcomes.
@possiblylinux127 It was this year. Glad it's working for you. I'll stick with what works for me and has provided adequate performance for years.
Temporary files can be created by user programs. On my machines, I made /tmp an in memory file system and also disallow execution or setuid/gid in this directory as much malware tries to abuse it in this manner.
@thevoidzero @gencha What I like about GNU/Linux is precisely it's configurability, I can use whatever desktop I want, whatever greeter I want, whatever kernel I want, whatever applications I want for a given purpose, on damned near whatever hardware I want, I mean someone recently even got Linux to boot on a 4004, it took three days but it booted. I am curious how they pulled that off without an MMU and I can only imagine the amount of paging involved with it's 12 bit address space, but point is what you can do is almost infinitely variable. Some may use a distro because it makes software work together well, but I use it as a starting point and modify it to my needs and wants. With Windows or MacOS, I got one Desktop, one provided kernel, a more limited range of supported hardware, and close to zero customization options aside from very basic things like desktop background and color schemes.
@grue @ArchRecord An example of a database that doesn't keep it's data in files?
@cerement I don't have menus covering anything, they are pulldown menus, with respect to keybinds, there are only so many keys on a keyboard, and usually I want to actually produce input to some application with them, don't care for OS to get in the way here either.
Chinas largest to smallest unit makes sense to me since it's the same as Arabic numbers, largest to smallest, and so sorting order would also be same.
@anytimesoon I'm a bit at a loss then. I do have a Comcast router that is weird in that ARP only works at boot time so if I plug a new device into it, it won't route for that device unless I reboot it.