@CameronDev @anytimesoon This is why I suggested netstat -nr
As I expected, it got bounced over to Intel and the basic response was it's not ready yet.
I've avoided RT thus far because it was incompatible with KVM/QEMU. Am curious if this is still the case. Guess I can compile and install on my workstation and see
if my virtual machines still work.
@Codilingus @strawberry You can pass through your physical audio device then let pipewire on the hypervisor do it.
@KazuchijouNo I had a virtual machine with GPU pass through that I was using for gaming but it got broken in the upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04, it seems the UEFI bios provided in 24.04 does not work with GPU pass through, and I've yet to grab one off an OS where it works to replace it. So for now I'm dual-booting. Yea I agree, not all that comfortable with bare metal but Windows doesn't seem to want to recognize ext4 so there is some security by accident there.
@reksas @fireshell There is no such thing as a trust worthy country because they're all run by politicians and there is no such thing as a trust worthy politician. There is an old saying, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
@yogthos @theunknownmuncher The controllers of said empire isn't the elected government. How we can reign that back in, I don't know.
@otter @thenexusofprivacy I personally find the three-pane design a bit "busy".
Actually, I have my public facing servers configured to listen to 443 as well. Why? Because many corporate and public space wifi spots like libraries, will block 22, but allow 443 for https, so on my shell servers, I also listen to 443.
Actually not accurate for "Rest of the World", China uses year month day.
Sorry formatting is whack, Friendica does not understand tabs.