Hyperion series. That thing's gonna be hard to adapt though.
There's already a lot of people rewriting stuff in Rust and Zig.
My wife's impressed though, may be a little...
But she's also a programmer.
I learned to play a cool song that incorporates slapping and fingertapping on guitar, but I re-areanged it to play without fingertapping cause finger tapping on my guitar sounded horrible. Still sounded pretty close.
Bebop and cool jazz.
We keep our product information catalogue in a sqlite file.
We're like oompa loompas to their willy wonka complex.
Hmm, I guess I'll start by guiding him to deal with his PC problems by himself.
I've seen too many guys, even those in "respectable" positions like executives or club captains, just leave their porn tabs open before asking me for some help with their phones.
When I asked them to open up their browser they would straight up open it up to a previously opened porn tab and start to panic. And somehow, the porn site that opened is always XNXX, lol. Pornhubs' banned here and I guess XNXX just become popular instead.
Start up repair, yes. Troubleshooter, never.
Time to learn root folders, package manager, source lists for package managers, where programs are installed, config files. and so forth. Then move on to fiddling with wine to get some windows only programs working. I had to spend a few hours getting my shitty laptop to run battle net client and star craft 2.
All this might seem daunting at first. But take it slow and it will all be fulfilling once you grasped the basics.
Even programming jobs are like excel sheets with extra steps.