No, I basically mean a sailing ship. A ship with sails. I'm curious about the possibilities to cross the Atlantic with no/low CO2 emissions. I have adjusted the title to make this clearer!
I read somewhere that within Russia Ukrainian troops would be more vulnerable to the Russian Air Force?
Scary shit.
You should cover its nostrils.
China wants to rid itself of Western tech by 2027 -- outlines domestic alternatives in 'Document 79'
The part where they steal yes. The part where they keep what they steal to themselves, no.
They wear “only Vans”.
Thank all the gods that there still is some serious journalism that keeps track of this, in a thorough and transparent way.
Yes, to the left of the first panel to be precise.
Where is that?
joined 2 years ago
Someone once told me to that words for things that are not traded across linguistic borders exhibit more linguistic diversity (as in, neighbouring countries use completely different words that share no common etymological roots etc.). Butterfly is one key example.