[-] oblomov@sociale.network 1 points 3 months ago

@rglullis @Rooki (OT: the last paragraph in the post has a couple of typos. I believe it should be TINSTAAFL (also I recommend making it an abbr for the less informed), and there is an “under” that should probably be “understand”)

[-] oblomov@sociale.network 1 points 6 months ago

@HipsterTenZero @chloyster

I only just found this but, in case you're still testing things, here's a couple of hints:

  1. it is possible to navigate in the dark;
  2. it is possible to climb even without stairs, so you can usually get out of subterranean pits even tool-less; it's extremely rare to get into an actual “save-ender” situation
  3. as your tech level progresses, you'll discover ways to automate most things;
  4. do focus on getting ore; there are hints in the rock to where it may be.
[-] oblomov@sociale.network 1 points 8 months ago

@SuperSynthia @dvdnet62 I'll explain in two very simple words.



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