You know what's fucking infuriating? Nothing will happen to this fucker at all.
People who are Republicans in 2024 know full well what they are and are aware they're in a cult. I just can't see it any other way. You can't consider yourself a decent human being, see everything the Republicans do/believe in, and say to yourself "yes, this party represents me 100%. I want to make good change in my country".
What doesn't "anger" Israel nowadays? They're going rampant killing people left and right. Literally fucking Nazis they are. What a shame, man.
This is the most horrible way to convince people to vote with you. I, personally, would tell you to go fuck yourself if I weren't already voting for Harris. Please stop that. You need to convince people why they should vote for your candidate by showing them the difference, not this "or else" bullshit. and if they are not convinced, you let it go. People are free with their damn votes.
Quick math: this is only 0.076% of their 2023's revenue. No wonder big corporations don't give a fuck about fines and will continue doing fucked up/illegal shit. This is not a fine, this is a green light, my friends.
Well no shit, Sherlocks. Ever heard of "bully the bully"? Glad they're finally catching on. Took too long.
Samsung just needs to shut the fuck up. They're worse than Apple by a fucking mile. They make fun of them for something then turn around and do it next month. Fuck off with this shit. They removed the headphone jack, the charger from the box and the SD card slot. Samsung sucks more than Apple.
Cool, now let's ban Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and every single social media platform that does the same exact thing as TikTok. I have never used TikTok, but this is fucking bullshit. Facebook literally ruined elections and lives around the world.
Clickbaits need to die
So there is an anti-trust lawsuit against steam, but not apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft.... Etc of those giant companies who literally destroy everything in their way? Please tell me they're next?
Reading this made me wanna cry. It's so fucking sad that millions of people actually voted for this man. Wow, just wow.
At least let people run their own servers. What fucking scum bags, man.