[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago
[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

Yet every time the two are mentioned everyone says he's the founder

Journalism is dead

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 6 points 6 days ago


That's quite the euphemism... The guy was stilling in the cabinet calling out opponents and with each name, said opponent was immediately picked up out of the crowd, taken outside and shot.

Just a few of those in, people just started throwing eachother under the bus, hoping to be spared. It was a shit show, a disgrace and a horror show that (without a doubt) trump would love to pull off, though I doubt anyone but the most extremists maga would go with THAT.

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 131 points 2 months ago

we decided to waive our right to arbitration

Fuuuuck you with an umbrella. You didn't have that right, you just used that bullshit idea to save yourself from rightful consequences. You only stopped that idea after the massive backlash, as always. You don't get to act like the good guy uere., fuck you.

I can't wait for Disney to go bankrupt and be split up in twenty normal entertainment companies

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 122 points 5 months ago

And this shows that those opposed to Israel's actions in Gaza are not antisemitic (ignoring the eventual neonazi assholes), they are opposed to a government that is committing genocide. Especially a government that governs a people THAT SHOULD KNOE BETTER.

I have no problems at all with Jews and I'm sure that, given people who really want peace, a good treaty can be made where both the Palestinians and the Israelites can peacefully coexist, that would be awesome.

However, right now saying even something like that is somehow antisemitic. If anything, I find that sort of behavior antisemitic, because it is so transparent that it pushes more people to the far right and into the hands of neo Nazis.

Stop the genocide, stop the war, withdraw ALL Israeli forces immediately and unconditionally. Then put in a peace keeping force comprised of multiple countries in that same area, and make sure they all work towards peace.

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 109 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I reported the multinational company CTO for not being able to keep his hands off me (I'm a guy btw) and a load of other employees. That report came on top of other reports of abuse, fraud, and briberies.

Mind you, this company wa so about protecting whistleblowers that I had to sign a contract about it. VPs were outraged and vowed to protect me.

I made the report, week later called into an emergency meeting with the CTO and head of HR is there too and I'm fired. I sued, won, and in that time learned that the CTO was fired the next day because, amongst things, he fired me. Even so, they didn't cancel my firing, didn't rehire me, because now I was toxic.

Never trust anyone in big companies. Never trust their contracts, never trust their words.

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 149 points 1 year ago

Salaries should by law be capped at max 10 times the lowest

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 116 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Elon Musk is an incompetent sociopathic scammer who got very lucky.

He is not a great engineer, he's a dumbass who got fired from his own company for being incompetent. When the company was bought he raked in the cash from the shares he had, that's all. All his "great ideas" are face palmingly stupid.

He's petty and vengeful. When rescuers were risking their lives getting kids out of a cave denied his stupid idea, he called them a pedophile just because fuck you. That is musk in a nutshell.

He doesn't give a shit about anything or anybody but himself. He forces people to work in near slave like conditions. Do it or get fired and lose your house, or maybe deported. Unions? Fuck your unions, here is a chain lulz.

He. Lies. About. Everything. Probably the only person worse than Trump when it comes to continuous lying. Every promise he made is bullshit. Tesla will.... nope.

He was the bright light behind the decision not to use flame diverters (standard tech from the 60's) when his next SpaceX toy was launched, because it would take too much time to build and it would not be needed... a decision which utterly obliterated the launch platform, pelted even cars on a parking lot 5 kilometers away and polluted the entire surroundings. All because he needs to show the world how big his dick is. Then when the rocket blew up over Mexican territory (nice self destruct that didn't even work) everyone cheered because rockets.. should.... Blow up? Oh yeah, that was by design. WTF?

And as always, he just laughs it off and his fans laugh with him because "it's Elon man, he's cool! He walked in to Twitter with a kitchen sink!" And then proceeded to run the company he paid twice too much for into the ground, it now being worth, what? 30% from what he paid? So like 15% from what it was actually worth? From the second he started he just did the stupid. Firing so many people without even checking if they were needed, causing people to be locked in the buildings, the blue check mark scandal... twitter (not X) is a shit show and will be bankrupt very soon as muskie won't be able to afford to pay back the billions he had to borrow for his little toy.

Fuck everything about this guy, may he step on a Lego every day he gets out of bed.

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 155 points 1 year ago

What is it with these commie types that they believe communism will leave everyone to become hippies who can do whatever they want and all required resources just magically arrive when they need.

It really is watching children believe in Santa Claus

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 129 points 1 year ago

"if we are not allowed to blatantly commit crimes then we'll try to kill all of you"

Gotta love a good Republican

[-] phoenixz@lemmy.ca 120 points 1 year ago

I've worked exclusively with Linux servers since 2002 and exclusively Linux desktop since 2004 and I've come to the point where I prettyuch refuse to touch windows for fear it will infect me somehow.

I know most people don't know any better but it's insanity to me that anyone still pays money for windows. It's a scam, no other words for it.

Don't even get me started on Windows servers. It's just sad to see how much money is spent on a company that has so litte focus on quality.

Even the online services suck. Dear God Microsoft, would it kill you to understand that people might have gasp TWO tabs open with your teams "app"?

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